January 10, 2005

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 7:00 p.m.


Roll call: Ruth Drumm, Town Clerk, called the roll.  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Bruce Cornell - present, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – present, Councilman Fred Drumm- present and Councilman Charles Hanehan- present.

Also present: Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour, Assessor/Bookkeeper Catherine DeFelice, Deputy Town Clerk Linda McCabe, Town Attorney William Reynolds, Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway, Patricia Pierce, Justice Jack Ditch, David and Lisa Lord, Sean Kelleher, Pat Peck, Walter Flanders, Robert McConnell, Meghan Phalen, Marshall Lee, Sherry Doubleday, Ian Murray, Ted Munn, Sam Aldrich, Marilyn Zaborek, and Jane Sheeran.



The following Resolutions #05-01 through #05-26 were introduced by Supervisor Thomas Wood and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm.

Resolution #05-01, setting the “Rules of the Board”:

WHEREAS §63 of the Town Law provides that the Town Board may determine the rules of its procedures;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following Rules of Order be and the same are hereby adopted pursuant to §63 of the Town Law:


  1. The Supervisor shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall preserve order and decorum in debate.
  2. The Supervisor shall call the Board to order.  A quorum must be present in order to conduct business of the town.  A quorum shall be defined as three members of the town board.
  3. The Supervisor, immediately following the opening of every regular meeting of the Board, shall proceed to the regular order of Town business as follows: Roll Call, Approval of Minutes, Town’s Clerk report, Zoning Officer’s Report, Supervisor’s Report, Public comments on agenda items, Committee reports, Old Business, New Business, Communications, Privilege of the Floor, Auditing Bills, Establishment of the Next Regular Meeting, Adjournment.




  1. Public Hearings:  It shall be the duty of the Supervisor to preside at all general or special business hearings, to instruct all persons addressing the Board to state their names, addresses, and to state whether they are for or against the proposal. Those in favor of the proposal before the Board should speak first and those in opposition should speak last.  At such hearings the Board may have special rules and prescribe the time to be allotted as 3 minutes to each speaker.  Once all persons wishing to speak have spoken once, any person wishing to speak a second time may do so for a maximum of 2 minutes. 
  2. At the close of the public hearing as provided for in paragraph “4” above, the Supervisor may grant any member of the general public in attendance at such meeting a reasonable opportunity to be heard on any question or subject in which the Town is concerned.
  3. Every resolution or motion must be seconded before being put to a vote by the Supervisor, and all resolutions or motions shall be recorded in their entirety in the official minutes of the Town Board.
  4. The Supervisor may offer or second a resolution or a motion and need not relinquish the chair for such purpose.
  5. No motion or resolution may be brought to a vote except by the majority consent of those present unless printed or typewritten copies thereof are presented to each member of the Board 48 hours prior to the opening of the meeting at which such motion or resolution is offered.
  6. No member shall speak more than once on any questions until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken, nor more than twice in any case without leave of the Board.
  7. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be entertained unless (a) for an adjournment or recess, (b) for the previous question to lay on the table, (c) to postpone to refer to a committee, or (d) to amend.
  8. A majority vote of all the members of the Board shall be required to suspend these rules of order.  A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
  9. If the above stated rules are or become at any time in conflict with the statutory law, the statutory law shall take precedence.
  10. No member of the public shall engage in any demonstration, booing, hand clapping or otherwise disrupt the formality of a town board meeting.
  11. Any persons speaking to the town board with the consent of the supervisor shall address their remarks to the town board, not to other members of the audience in the form of a debate.  Residents will be limited to speaking for three minutes unless extended by permission of the majority consent of the board.  All persons speaking will be given respect and courtesy and in return are expected to be respectful and courteous.  The use of profane and inappropriate language is not acceptable. 

Resolution #05-02, setting the meeting time and place for Town Board meetings as the 2nd Monday of the month, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 30 Ferry Street, Schuylerville.

Resolution # 05-03, designating the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company

as the official bank depository.

Resolution # 05-04, designating The Saratogian as the official newspaper for the Town.

Resolution # 05-05, authorizing the Supervisor to invest idle cash balances.

Resolution # 05-06, authorizing the Supervisor to submit claims for state aid for youth recreation programs.

Resolution # 05-07, authorizing the Supervisor to execute & pay contracts & annual appropriations as provided in the budget.

Resolution # 05-08, approving the salaries & highway scale of wages and additional benefits as set forth in the 2005 budget.  The additional benefits include one additional personal day each year, the allowance for safety shoes will be increased from $100. to $125. per fiscal year, up to 90 days of accumulated sick time may be used for early retirement benefits and that highway employees will be provided with copies of all amended by-laws within 30 days of passage by the Town Board.     

Resolution # 05-09, appointing the Supervisor as health insurance administrator.

Resolution # 05-10, authorizing the Supervisor to pay bills of utility, fuel, gas, oil & any discounted bills without prior audit and providing that bills are presented at first available meeting for audit.

Resolution # 05-11, authorizing the Highway Superintendent to spend/purchase up to $3,000 without prior notice to town board.

Resolution # 05-12 appointing Marshal Truax as Dog Control Officer and Rick Sullivan as substitute Dog Control Officer.

Resolution # 05-13, authorizing the attendance of the following Town Officers at The Association of Town’s meeting, February 20 - 23, 2005: Supervisor Thomas Wood, Councilman Michael McLoughlin, Councilman Fred Drumm, Town Justice Jack Ditch, Town Justice David Mathis, Town Attorney William Reynolds, Assessor Catherine DeFelice, and Town Clerk Ruth Drumm.

Resolution # 05-14, appointing Supervisor Thomas Wood as delegate and Councilman Michael McLoughlin as alternate to the Association of Towns’ meeting.

Resolution # 05-15, setting the mileage rate for actual town business at 40 ½ cents.

Resolution # 05-16, authorizing the assessor to employ clerical help, Marie Foster, within the budget.

Resolution # 05-17, setting the election rates to $80 for a Primary and $135 for a General Election and a $10 meal allowance for the General Election. 

Resolution # 05-18, appointing William Reynolds as the Town Attorney.

Resolution # 05-19, appointing the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer as Robert Hathaway.       

Resolution # 05-20, appointing Robert Hathaway as the Fire Code Officer.

Resolution # 05-21, appointing Ruth Drumm as the Registrar of Vital Statistics.

Resolution # 05-22, appointing Linda McCabe as the Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics.

Resolution # 05-23, appointing Catherine Cicero as the Clerk to the Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals.

Resolution # 05-24, appointing Dr. Bruce Harro as the Health Officer.

Resolution #05-25, appointing Kenneth Martin as the Town Engineer.

Planning Board – (7–year terms):

Resolution # 05-26, appointing Ian Murray as Chairman of the Planning Board, term of 01/01/05 – 12/31/2011.




Roll call for Resolution #05-01 through Resolution #05-26:

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Resolutions #05-01 - #05-26  Carried 5 – 0.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood made the following appointments:

Deputy Supervisor - Councilman Bruce Cornell

Bookkeeper- Catherine DeFelice

Town Historian - Sean Kelleher

Deputy Town Historian - Pat Peck

Highway Committee: Councilman Charles Hanehan and Councilman Fred Drumm

Youth Committee: Councilman Michael McLoughlin

Building Committee: Councilman Bruce Cornell, Councilman Michael McLoughlin, Councilman Fred Drumm, Councilman Charles Hanehan, and Supervisor Thomas Wood


The meeting time for the special building advisory committee for a new town hall will be at the start of agenda meetings from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.  Agenda meetings are held on the Thursday prior to the regular meeting held on the second Monday of the month.  Committee members are still being sought to join the full board on this committee.


Senior Citizen Committee: Councilman Bruce Cornell

Insurance Committee: Supervisor Thomas Wood and Councilman Bruce Cornell

Landfill Committee: Supervisor Thomas Wood

Park Committee: Supervisor Thomas Wood, Councilman Bruce Cornell, Councilman Fred Drumm, Councilman Charles Hanehan, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin


The following appointments were made by elected officials and read by Supervisor Thomas Wood:

Town Clerk Ruth Drumm appoints Linda McCabe as Deputy Town Clerk.  

Tax Collector Joyce Shaver appoints Paul Shaver as deputy tax collector.

Town Justice David Mathis and Town Justice Jack Ditch appoint Dawn Knight and Bonnie Williams as court clerks.    


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Councilman Bruce Cornell and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan to accept the minutes of December 13th and 29th, 2004 meetings as written. Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Town Clerk’s report for December 2004: fees paid to the County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $54.37. Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the spay/neuter program $21.00. Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $0. Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $22.50. Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $137.13. Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $215.25. Total State, County, and Local Revenues received were $450.25.


Zoning Officer’s report: Bob Hathaway read his December 2004 report: 5 CO’s, 9 Building Permits, and 12 inspections were done.  A check for $1,070.00 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Supervisor’s report: Supervisor Thomas Wood presented December 2004 balances in Town funds as follows: General A $497,356.22, General B $74,827.35, Highway Outside $252,994.25, Youth Recreation & Services $888.92, Highway Equipment Reserve $109,024.51, Building Reserve $812,555.74 and Fire Protection $0.  December revenues were $92,618.24 and expenses were $209,743.14.  The total December balance is $1,747,646.99.


Supervisor Thomas Wood read his State of the Town Address. [This address is available in full text in the 2005 Minutes Appendix in the Town Clerk’s Office and on the town’s website (] Councilman Bruce Cornell thanked Supervisor Thomas Wood for such a good and thorough report on the town.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood announced that a presentation by a Saratoga County Public Works representative would be given on Bryant’s Bridge at the next regular meeting on February 14, 2005.


Public comments on agenda items: No one came forward.


Highway: Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour reported that they have been busy keeping the roads clear.  He requested authorization to advertise for bids on a new tandem dump truck with chassis, snowplow equipment and dump body as budgeted for.  The board told him to go ahead. 


Landfill:  Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the quarterly report from Hudson Environmental Services shows no unusual conditions at the town landfill and all tests are within acceptable limits. 


Insurance:  No report.


Youth Committee report: Councilman Michael McLoughlin reported that a community skating rink is planned for near the Youth Center in Schuylerville.  He added that it would be the result of many community volunteers and donations by Curtis Lumber and various other organizations.  The Village of Schuylerville will carry the needed insurance. 


Buildings:  Supervisor Thomas Wood noted that he is finalizing the list of members for the building committee that will plan for a new town hall.  Members of the committee will seek input from the community.  The first meeting is scheduled for February 10, 2005 at 6:00 p.m.  He added that at each regular board meeting a detailed report would be made of the committee’s activities and progress.  


Senior Citizens report: Councilman Bruce Cornell reported that the seniors will be meeting tomorrow and next month he will have a full report.


Park Committee report: Councilman Michael McLoughlin stated that there is nothing new to report.  He expressed hope that this will be a better year for finding a location for a town park.   


Old Business: None.


New Business: Planning Board Chairman Ian Murray presented the board with the Planning Board’s recommendation on the Saratoga Country Inn PUD application.  This application was referred to the Planning Board for review by the town board at the September 13th, 2004 meeting.  He stated that at the Planning Board’s November 22, 2004 meeting a motion was made and seconded for a positive recommendation to the town board on the Saratoga Country Inn PUD application.  The vote was carried with 7 – 0 in favor.  He submitted a list 16 items that they recommend be included in the PUD legislation along with a revised building summary table and responses to the 10 points for consideration by the planning board as listed in PUD Local Law #6 of 2004.  He also recommended that the town board impose a park and recreation fee on the project and provide for the hiring of a Clerk of the Works to help oversee the project on behalf of the town.  Supervisor Thomas Wood recognized Chairman Ian Murray and the Planning Board for all their time and effort on the review of this application.  He asked for a motion from the board.  Councilman Charles Hanehan made a motion and Councilman Fred Drumm seconded it to direct Town Attorney William Reynolds to draft the local law, advertise for the Public Hearing and draft the Environmental Review Negative Declaration for the PUD rezoning for the Saratoga Country Inn.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  The board then agreed to hold a special meeting for the Public Hearing for Local Law #1 of 2005 – Saratoga Country Inn PUD rezoning on Thursday, February 3, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.


Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that insurance is needed for officials and officers of the town that handle town money.  This protects both the officials and the town.  He then introduced Resolution #05-27 Authorizing a Blanket Official Undertaking for Town Officers and Councilman Fred Drumm seconded it:  RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves Policy number B - 175385 issued by Selective Ins. Co. of New York to the Town of Saratoga as a blanket undertaking for all Town Officers required to execute and file undertakings including but not limited to the Supervisor, Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Justices, and Superintendent of Highways, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the blanket undertaking shall have $20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand) coverage per officer with excess indemnity on the Tax Collector in the amount of $1,500,000.00 (one million five hundred thousand) and shall provide employee dishonesty coverage and faithful performance of duty coverage for said officers as required by Public Officers Law § 11, with an appropriate deductible established at the time of the purchase of the policy in accordance with the usual practice of the Town, and be it further

RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be attached to said blanket undertaking and a copy thereof be filed in the Office of the Town Clerk. 

Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  (The full text of this resolution is on file in the Resolution Book in the Town Clerk’s office.) 


Resolution #05-28 increasing the Petty Cash Account by $100 to $150 was introduced by Councilman Bruce Cornell and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin: 

WHEREAS, the board recognizes the need to increase the petty cash account to cover incidental expenses incurred during the month by town officers and staff, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes $100.00 to be transferred from the A200.1 savings account to the A210.1 savings account, increasing the Petty Cash Fund from $50 to $150.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.


 Supervisor Thomas Wood commended the David Nevins Fire Department for their hard work and efforts in raising funds for John Eustis and his family after an automobile accident on December 13, 2004 that seriously injured John Eustis.  Resolution #05-29 was introduced by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Bruce Cornell:

Resolved that The Town of Saratoga recognizes and honors the members of the David Nevins Fire Department for their hard work and coordinated efforts in raising funds and providing help for their members in a time of need and be it further

Resolved that the members of the David Nevins Fire department are recognized for giving unselfishly of their time, talents, and knowledge for the safety of the residents of the Village of Victory and parts of the Town of Saratoga.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  (The full text of this resolution is on file in the Resolution Book in the Town Clerk’s office.)  Supervisor Thomas Wood will present the David Nevins Fire Department with a framed, signed and sealed copy of this resolution at their meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2005.


Supervisor Thomas Wood stated that a microphone is needed at town meetings to enable everyone to hear, especially from the back of the room. He is checking into various amplification systems that would use a hand held microphone in order to fix the problem.


Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that he met on December 28th with Town Engineer Ken Martin, Planning Board Chairman Ian Murray, and Bob Hall to discuss the need for a zoning ordinance to set water standards in the town that would insure both quantity and quality of the water supply before a building permit is issued.  Adoption of the zoning ordinance will follow the standard process for approval including a public hearing.  The water standards are being drafted and modified by Town Engineer Kenneth Martin. He added that in the interim any building permits issued would be held to these new standards. 


Communications: Supervisor Thomas Wood stated that two letters were received from the NYS Office of Real Property Services.  One stating that the town has qualified for the Excellence in Equity Award for conducting reassessments at 100 percent of market value.  The second letter notified the town that since the annual reassessment was completed, the town would receive state aid in the amount of $5.00 per parcel (2,832 parcels are on record in the town) and a check for $14,160 would be forwarded to the town.  Supervisor Thomas Wood commended Assessor Catherine DeFelice and Assessor’s Clerk Marie Foster for a job well done. 


A letter from Dan Hewitt was received by Supervisor Thomas Wood suggesting that the town board consider a Noise Ordinance and a Mass Gathering Ordinance in order to better meet today’s needs and circumstances. The board will take these under consideration.  


Helen Endres, Director of Saratoga County Public Health, notified the town that the NYS Department of Health has given them notification that influenza vaccines are now available to any individual 50 years and over and to out-of-home caregivers and household contacts of persons in high-risk groups.  Call 584-7460 for more information.  A schedule of flu clinics is posted on the town bulletin board.  


Kathleen Bartholomay, on behalf of The Thomson-Clarks Mills Residents Committee for a Heritage Corridor Park, requested a resolution of support from the board for the Riverfront Heritage Corridor Park in the area of Thomson along the Hudson River on the property presently owned by the Georgia-Pacific Corporation.  The board will take this under consideration. 


Privilege of the floor:

Sherry Doubleday, Captain of the General Schuyler Emergency Squad (GSES), addressed the board.  She thanked Supervisor Thomas Wood for his mention of the squad in his State of the Town Address.  She stated that they have received the deed on the Route 29 property, the site for the new squad building, and that the site plan is underway and construction companies are being met with.  She stated that the GSES in 2004 has not missed a first call at all and that they are one of the leading agencies in Saratoga County. They now have an Auto pulse machine to aid in giving CPR.  Sherry Doubleday reported that the squad has grown so much over the past few years.  She noted that in 2002 they went on 450 runs, in 2003 – 609 runs, and in 2004 – 741 runs. 


Sherry Doubleday reported that she wrote to Senator Joe Bruno asking for funds to help with the building costs and they will receive $20,000 through him.  In addition, they will be undergoing a capital campaign, selling bricks for a friendship patio, and other fund raising efforts are planned.   


Sam Aldrich presented the board, on behalf of himself and Phyllis Aldrich, with a DVD of an aerial tour of the Town of Saratoga taken on July 1, 2004. He noted that due to   volunteers, including the pilot and cameraman donating their services, and private donations given to the Saratoga PLAN who sponsored the flight, it was made possible.  The cost was $1,100.  Sam Aldrich narrated the DVD.  He noted what a quality production it is and what an extraordinary view it gives of all the wonderful land in the Town of Saratoga.  Supervisor Thomas Wood stated that he would make a point to advertise and show the DVD at a meeting for the townspeople to view.  


Jane Sheeran commented on the pressures of growth on our town.  She mentioned that bicyclists are utilizing our town roadways more and more and that they have little or no place to go in traffic. She felt that routes need to be looked at and coordinated with the bike clubs in the area. 


David Lord spoke regarding the Saratoga Lake as a water source issue.  He thanked the board on behalf of himself, his wife, and the Saratoga Lake residents for the resolutions against using Saratoga Lake as a water source for Saratoga Springs.  He also thanked Supervisor Thomas Wood for speaking against it at the Public Hearing held in Saratoga Springs.   He then asked that the town give its positive support to Saratoga County’s Hudson River Plan. 


Town Justice David Mathis gave an update on the latest court program of alternative sentencing which is having people assigned to Community Service to shovel sidewalks of the elderly.  This program would be monitored by a civic organization and is need based.  Town Attorney William Reynolds noted that elderly persons in need of this service could be identified through senior groups, churches, and the Meals-on-Wheels program.


The next regular board meeting would be held February 14, 2005.


Audit the Books: The following town officers’ 2004 books had been audited at the agenda meeting on January 6, 2005 and are in order:  Tax Collector Joyce Shaver, Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway, Bookkeeper Catherine DeFelice and Town Clerk Ruth Drumm.


Town Justice Jack Ditch presented his books and gave an annual report to the board.  In his annual report he mentioned that they are now fully computerized and transmit data electronically to the State in their format.  They are now able to produce computerized reports and records of all their transactions.  The court office is staffed from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Their internship program is a success along with the Science of Speeding program.  A new Community Service Program using alternative sentencing is about to get underway, as mentioned by Justice David Mathis, which should provide a positive return to the community.


 Supervisor Thomas Wood thanked the justices for their report, efforts, and philosophies.


Audit the Bills: Per abstract for the period 1/10/2005 to 1/10/2005 (1G): General A $3,574.94, Highway Outside $6,773.74, for a total expense of $10,348.68.


Councilman Michael McLoughlin left at 9:05 pm.


A motion to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. was made by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 4 – 0.




Respectfully Submitted,



Ruth Drumm

Town Clerk


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