
Board of Water Management

January 13, 2009



The Schuylerville Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on Tuesday January 13, 2009 at 7pm in the Village of Schuylerville.


Chairman Colvin led the meeting.


Present:   Chairman Colvin, Commissioners Kahnle, Lloyd, and Pink,

Recording Secretary Buchanan, Mayor Sullivan



February Meetings:   It was determined to only have one meeting for the month.

Tuesday, February 10th in Victory at 7pm.



December 9, 2008 were provided for approval.

Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approval the December 9, 2008 meeting minutes and they were seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:

Balances in the accounts were read.



There was a resolution #2008.2009-16 presented to transfer $55,000 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize the transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2008.2009-16 to transfer $55,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


Capital Improvement Project:


Bollards:  The bollards have been installed, with the painting remaining at a later date due to the cold weather.


Substantial completion:  Still pending


Acceptance of the Victory Water Treatment Plant: Still pending


WM Shultz Punch List:  This was provided to the Commissioners for their review.


Eligible Project Expenses:  It was reported the Victory Water Treatment Plant received approval from DOH on several items necessary and will be paid for out of the capital fund.  These were in many cases OSHA compliant items and were approved. 


January 13, 2009

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Foreman’s Report:

Temporary backup operator:  There was a discussion on hiring a temporary backup operator.  (Brett Johnson) Foreman Dennison stated he would need 24 hours of basic training for the operation.  It was stated that Mr. Johnson has a 11A operator’s license and is willing to cover the hours needed, he also was requesting $20.00 per hour.  He was advised that he would be put on the payroll as an employee. 

Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to hire Brett Johnson as a temporary backup operator at a rate of pay of $20.00 per hour, as an employee, this motion was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


Gas operated pumps: Foreman Dennison stated he provided the quotes to Chairman Colvin.  Mr. Colvin stated he would look them over for discussion at the next meeting.


Victory Plant:  Foreman Dennison stated that the victory Plant is running great, it has cut 2/3 of production in the Schuylerville plant.  The Water Board should see a significant saving on cost.  Mr. Dennison stated that the quality of water has improved.  All tests so far have come back good.  Very low traces of iron and manganese have shown up.  He also stated that we are way above production.


Punch list: Foreman Dennison stated that he is working with Steve on this.


Old Business:

Personnel Manual meeting set for January 27th in Victory at 7pm.  Commissioner Kahnle stated he would not be able to make this meeting.


Units in question: Broad Street- There was a discussion on a section of Broad Street that should have an evaluation for units.  Chairman Colvin stated he spoke give Gil Albert and he was going to be checking in on this, he will see him again to get an update.


LGRMIF: update-quote for $1,800.00, Commissioner Lloyd stated he should hold off on this. Storage tank needs to be looked at.  At this time there is no plan or no money set aside, which is recommended in the grant writing process, but to the time restraint, we would not be able to get sufficient documentation completed.  Mayor Sullivan explained we need to stated what we are going to do and what our plan is to how to spend it.  It was determined to table this for now.


Security Camera’s Grants through Home Land Security-update. Chairman Colvin stated he is going to meet with someone that has agreed to help him write a grant this month, he called him and will let us know how things go.



January 13, 2009

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New Business:  none


Public Comment:

Wendy Lukas asked what the intentions of the board were on the storage tank issue.

Commissioner Lloyd stated that this needs to be looked into, to help with pressure problems and other issues. 


Roger Sherman asked what the boards reason for charging outside users a higher rate for rents. Mayor Sullivan explained that this issue was throully researched and discussed before this decision was made.  He stated that there was a survey done on the local authorities, the least was 1 ½ times. 

Attorney Dixon stated that the bonding issue for the infrastructure was also an issue.

Wendy Lukas asked for the board to make a recommendation to the Town to collect the bills for the town residence.  Mayor Sullivan explained that this is for a water district and we are not there at this point.  This issue also has been brought to the town’s attention with no resolution.


Executive Session:

Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to go into executive session for matters with the pending litigation with Laberge and it was seconded by Commissioner Lloyd, all ayes, motion passed.




Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to return from the executive session and resume the regular meeting, with no action taken, it was seconded by Commissioner Lloyd, all ayes, motion passed.




Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Lloyd, all ayes, motion passed.







Respectfully submitted,




Brenda S. Buchanan

Recording Secretary


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