Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on February 20, 2007 at 7:00pm in Schuylerville


Present: Chairman Paul Shaver, Commissioners Travis Kline and Glenn Decker.  Foreman Mark Dennison, Recording Secretary Brenda Buchanan.

Absent: Commissioner Agatha White




The March water meetings will be Tuesday March 13th, 6:30pm in Victory and March 20th at 7pm in Schuylerville.  A reminder that starting in April we will have the meetings the 2nd and 4th Tuesday’s and they will both be at 6:30pm.


New Schedule:


April: Tuesday, April 10th at 6:30pm in the Village of Victory

            Tuesday, April 24th at 6:30pm in the Village of Schuylerville


Chairman Shaver thanked the village residents of Schuylerville and Victory for taking care of the hydrants during the snow storm.




Commissioner Kline made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of February 13th, 2007, it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.


Treasurers Report:


There was a resolution #2007-05 presented to transfer $40,000.00 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-05 to transfer $40,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.


Chairman Shaver explained that last week they discussed a monthly stipend for water board members for $100.00 and the Chairman $200.00.  He explained he feels this should not depend on the attendance of the meetings, this should be for being a member.  He explained that if attendance became an issue, than that would be addressed.  Commissioner Kline agreed along with Commissioner Decker.  Chairman Shaver explained that Treasurer Kemmet was present with some more information on the budget.  Ms. Kemmet explained that there were a few things that needed to be added to the budget, which are as followed: 



February 20, 2007

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The stipend for the budget officer, the fee for the filing of the AUD, the clothing allowance that was approved, some pump house maintenance and training for the Distribution system.  She explained that these additions did not increase the budget as she adjusted some numbers.  The rate for users will remain the same as last year.  She explained that this is only a Draft Tentative.  The IMA states that the budget should be to the villages by March 1, but it was discussed that this is the Draft Tentative and some changes could occur.   Once you adopt the Tentative Budget you must have a public hearing and we are not at this point yet.  Chairman Shaver explained we will get this draft tentative budget to the villages and get their input before we adopt a tentative and proceed with a public hearing.  Treasurer Kemmet explained that the capital budget is also attached in Draft form.  Commissioner Kline made a motion to send the draft tentative budgets to the villages for their input and it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.

Commissioner Decker thanked Ms. Kemmet for her time and effort on the budget.


Foreman’s Report:

Foreman Dennison explained they received the generator on Monday for the Water tank and it will remain at the Fort Hardy plant until they can schedule this to be installed at the water tank.


Chairman Shaver explained that there is some water sampling in Victory required by DOH.  The board received documentation from Laberge and the DOH for the well 2 R testing that is required.  Treasurer Kemmet received an estimate from Lane Christensen, the firm that did the brick removal.  This quote is for the pump test only ($4,645.00), this does not include the lab tests which are about $2,000.  They recommended we take these samples to our lab for processing.  Chairman Shaver explained that we have not heard back from the Insurance Company to see if any part of these costs are covered.  Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve the well testing that is required by DOH not to exceed $5,000, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.


Old Business:


Condensation Problem:  No report


Outside Engineering Firm:  Chairman Shaver stated that we received a letter from EFC and they stated that these costs would not be covered.  Mr. Shaver stated we should take this under advisement for now.


New Business:  


Water Rates:  There was a discussion on the rate sheet to include the non operational business category that was approved at the last meeting.  Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve the new rate sheet and it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.


Health Insurance Rate Increase:  There was an increase in the spousal insurance that is covered for Mark Dennison for the New Year.  Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve the new health insurance rate for 2007 in the amount of $439.50 monthly and it was seconded by Commissioner Travis Kline, all ayes, motion passed.



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Commissioner Decker asked Foreman Dennison if we lost any filters to ants.  Foreman Dennison stated they did loose 6 filters; they were the cartridge type for the bypass system at a cost of about $14.00 each.  He explained they were being stored in the shed and the ants got inside the boxes and destroyed the filters.  He explained they took all the other cartridges out and inspected them and they were all ok.  He moved them all inside and they are being stored in the electrical storage room.  Mr. Decker also asked if with heavy rain, do we needed to switch the wells because of high magnesium levels.  Foreman Dennison stated no they do not.  They test monthly for draw down and so far all looks good.


Auditing Bills:

After the review of this months vouchers, Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve the vouchers which will be included with abstract #9 and it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.


Public Comment:

Frank Merrill asked about the rates for the next fiscal year.  Chairman Shaver explained that the rates will not change for the new fiscal year, the budget has been started and as of now they will stay the same.


Executive Session: 

Chairman Shaver made a motion to go into executive session for matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation, where as there may or may not be any action taken, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.


After returning from Executive session Chairman Shaver made a motion to resume the regular meeting, it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.


Chairman Shaver made a motion to confirm the salary for Foreman Dennison as Chief Water Operator at $45,000 a year, effective when he submitted the proof of this license and it was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.  It was stated that this motion is to clarify the salary for the Chief Water Operator because it was not stated previously in the minutes.


Chairman Shaver stated that in recognition to all the work that goes into a budget, Chairman Shaver made a motion to appoint Maureen Kemmet the Budget Officer along with a $200.00 annual stipend to be paid immediately, it was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.


Chairman Shaver made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.


Respectfully Submitted




Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary

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