Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on February 12, 2008 at 7pm in the Village of Victory Community Center.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Whitney Colvin, Douglas Pink, and George Kahnle.

Recording Secretary Buchanan, Mayor Sullivan, Chief Water Operator Mark Dennison, and Trustee Dennison from the Village of Victory.


Commissioner Siciliano led the meeting and started with the Pledge.




Other February meetings are February 19th at 6:30pm to discuss the personnel manual only and February 26th in Schuylerville at 7pm with public comment.




Commissioner Colvin made a motion to approve the January meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:


There was a resolution #2007-29 presented to transfer $20,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Colvin made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-29 to transfer $20,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


            Operational Items:  Grant Application (through the State Archives) was submitted by the due date of February 1, 2008.  We should hear sometime in April of the grant application award.


            Capital Improvement Project:  The contractor meeting held on January 30, 2008 went well and the project is expected to begin around March 1, 2008, weather permitting, with the project completed by September 1, 2008.


Chief Water Operator’s Report:


Mark Dennison reported the UV problem was looked at by a Tech today.  He is waiting for a report for problems and recommendations.  He stated that there is a lot of iron and manganese coming from the wells, which is creating problems with the UV.  He stated that the UV will need to be disassembled yearly for cleaning.  Commissioner Kahnle asked if the water department had a maintenance schedule for all steps at the plant.  Mr. Dennison stated that he has come up with one on his own and he has them posted throughout the plant.  Mr. Dennison stated that the UV light is designed to run consistently, and with the RO system we have it starts and stops due to cycles that the system goes through, so that can create wear on the bulb.  He is waiting for the official report to determine what will be done in the future.


February 12, 2008

Page two



Executive Session: 


Commissioner Colvin made a motion to go into executive session for matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation, where as there may or may not be any action taken, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


After returning from Executive session Commissioner Colvin made a motion to resume the regular meeting, it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Commissioner Colvin stated that he will continue to be the liaison with the water plant and the board.  He stated that the OT continues to need pre-approval excluding the alarms that come in automatically.


Old Business:


Update by Commissioner Colvin on reported misuse of fire hydrant.  Commissioner Colvin stated he was unable to contact the Schuylerville Mayor and he hoped he will have an update at the next meeting.


Resumes:  Commissioner Siciliano asked that the folders of resumes for the water plant positions be available for the board’s review.



New Business: 







Commissioner Colvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.





Respectfully Submitted





Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary


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