December 29, 2003



Supervisor Robert Hall opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 4:00 p.m.


Roll call: Jean Casey, Town Clerk, called the roll.  Supervisor Robert Hall- present, Councilman Bruce Cornell - present, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent – arrived 4:10 p.m., Councilman Fred Drumm- present and Councilman Phil Griffen- absent.

Also present: Deputy Town Clerk Ruth Drumm, Assessor/Bookkeeper Catherine DeFelice, Tom Wood, Peg Hall, and Robert Park.  


New Business: Resolution #03-49 was introduced by Councilman Bruce Cornell and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm to transfer funds from Contingency Account # A1990.4 to the following: $187.22 to A1110.4, $2,086.74 to A1620.4, $1,041.30 to A3310.4 and $1,877.23 to A7510.4, due to additional costs incurred.


Supervisor Robert Hall suggested that a resolution may be needed setting minimum year and age requirements for receiving hospitalization in retirement. This should be addressed in the future.


Communications:  Supervisor Robert Hall read a letter from Helen Brown thanking the town for her years as court clerk and wishing all much luck.  He also read a letter from Time Warner Cable informing the town of a disagreement between Time Warner Cable and affiliates of Cablevision Systems that may result in the discontinuance of coverage of Fox Sports New York and the MSG Network on Time Warner’s cable system in our town.  Correspondence was read from The NYS Office of Real Property commending our assessor and the county’s Director of Real Property Tax Services for maintaining a system which meets the highest standards set by the state.  Since the town completed a reassessment on the 2003 assessment roll we are now eligible for Triennial Aid in the amount of $5.00 per parcel and a State Aid Voucher for $13,925.00 has been forwarded to the Office of the State Comptroller for payment.


Privilege of the floor: Supervisor elect Thomas Wood announced that there would be a swearing in ceremony for newly elected officials on Friday, January 2, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. in the Town Hall Meeting room.  He also wanted to thank Supervisor Robert Hall for all his support and assistance in making the transition a smooth one.  He also thanked Supervisor Robert Hall and the board for the great condition that the town is in and Jean Casey for all her years of dedicated service as Town Clerk.  


The next regular meeting of the Town Board (Organizational Meeting) will be Monday, January 12, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m.


Audit the Bills: General A $7,595.94, General B $7,146.69, Highway Outside

$23,126.36, Building Reserve $2,480.00, Highway Equipment Reserve $812.98, Youth Services $401.12 and Trust and Agency $1,108.34 for a total expense of $42,671.43.



Respectfully submitted,




Jean Casey

Town Clerk


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