
Board of Water Management

December 9, 2008



The Schuylerville Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on Tuesday December 9, 2008 at 7pm in the Village of Victory.


Chairman Colvin led the meeting.


Present:   Chairman Colvin, Commissioners Kahnle, Lloyd, and Pink.

Recording Secretary Buchanan, Mayor Sullivan, Treasurer Kemmet



January Meetings January 13th and the 27th.

Tuesday, January 13th will be in Schuylerville at 7pm.  This meeting will be the public comment meeting for the month.

Tuesday, January 27th will be in Victory at 7pm for the topic of the personnel manual only.  There will be no other topic of discussion and there will be no public comment at this meeting.



November 18, 2008 were provided for approval.

Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approval November 18, 2008 meeting minutes and they were seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:

Balances in the accounts were read



There was a resolution #2008.2009-14 presented to transfer $30,000 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize the transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2008.2009-14 to transfer $30,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.



There was a resolution #2008.2009-15 a budget transfer is required in order to transfer money between appropriations for the cost of insurances and for disability cost.  From J1990.4 Special Items, contingency to J1910.4, Special Items, Unallocated Insurance in the amount of $3,000 and from J9035.5 Employee Benefits, Medicare to J9040.8, Employee Benefits, Disability in the amount of $100.00.  Commissioner Lloyd authorized the Treasurer to transfer within the budget as stated to reconcile the appropriations and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.



December 9, 2008

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Operational Items:

Correspondence from NYS Dept of Health and EFC related to the Final Intended Use Plan.  The funding period of Oct. 1, 2008- Sept. 30, 2009 includes but is not limited to drinking water supply projects – construction of new or rehabilitation of treatment plants, transmission and distribution mains, storage facilities, pump stations, interconnections, and drinking water sources etc.  Most other improvements that enhance the drinking water quality and quantity of public water supplies are also eligible.  (This double sided notification was received today and is available upon request in order to limit the amount of copying)


Capital Improvement Project:

Victory WTP Driveway:  The Victory WTP driveway has been completed and has been fully accepted by DOH and is considered an eligible expense.


Bollards:  Request for proposals to be reviewed by the water board.  There were three bids and were as followed:

Morning Star $3,600

MJR Construction $4,644

Bill Ippoliti $3,400


Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to accept the bid from Bill Ippoliti for the amount of $3,400.00 and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.  There was some discussion to subtract this amount from the end of Laberge’s amount due.


Substantial completion: was discussed and is still pending


Acceptance of the Victory Water Treatment plant: still pending


Foreman’s Report:

Foreman Dennison stated that on Dec. 2 there was a water service line break at the main, on Schuyler Heights Drive.   They issued a boil water advisory because of the time it took to make the repair.   Mr. Dennison stated that the Victory plant has some issues but they are getting worked out.  He reported that the Flow control value at Schuylerville plant has some problems.  Ross value will be coming to look things over.  He stated that they will be notifying Schuylerville when they know the Automatic back wash is going to happen. There is times when they don’t know when it is going to happen, but he will do his best to keep Schuylerville aware.


Chairman Colvin asked about the electrical pumps that were being used on the last repair.  Chairman Colvin would like to see gas pumps used for safety reasons.  Quotes will be presented at next month meeting.  Mr. Colvin thanked both villages for the support on the main break.  Both crews worked together and he appreciated having Mr. Dennison also available.


Foreman Dennison stated that he installed a new back flow preventer; this was required by the Health Department.  He installed this preventer this week.  A new one was $998.00 and to repair the old was $976.00, so he installed a new one.


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Old Business:

Units in question: Broad Street- There was a discussion on a section of Broad Street that should have an evaluation for units.  Chairman Colvin stated he will ask the Schuylerville Code Enforcement Officer.


There was some discussion on the voucher we received from Industrial Instrumentation Inc. for the $634.88 for a quote.  Chairman Colvin stated that he spoke with someone from Industrial and he stated that this was a bid.  He stated that he was not willing to work with us on the cost.  Chairman Colvin stated he would call them back and let they know that the board is not willing to pay for this information.


New Business:

LGRMIF: Chairman Colvin stated he has talked with CT Male, but they did not get back to him yet.   There was some discussion of having to have a plan and set aside money for the plan.  It needs to be modified and financial commitment from the water board needs to be added.  This was designed to supplement the plan, not pay for it.  The water board needs to have a plan and this will take a number of years and it should be put into phases.  Commissioner Kahnle stated he thinks the water board should investigate this and set money aside in next year’s budget.  It was discussed to get prices and quotes.  Chairman Colvin stated he would try to get into contact with CT Male before the next meeting.


Chairman Colvin brought up a discussion on Security cameras, etc. for the water plants.  There is grants out there available through the Home Land Security.  Chairman Colvin stated he knows someone that would help him write a grant.  Chairman Colvin stated he was looking for support from the board to proceed.  The board was in favor.


Ed Shull from Schultz Construction was present and was asking, where we were with liquidated damages.  He stated that there were no procedures to follow to introduce into the system.  Time frames that he thought were unfair for liquidated damages were discussed.  Engineering fees will be added on to the liquidated damages, which he felt were unfair.  He wanted to know where things stand.  He stated that the engineer does not relay the concerns to the board.  Mr. Shull stated that some of the problems were design issues not a problem with the contractor.


Mayor Sullivan stated the Electrical panel was not in on time, so the electricians could not do their work.  There were a number of issues in September so we were not able to agree with substantial completion.  Mayor Sullivan stated that we should not discuss these issues without our engineers being involved in the discussion, as they are dealing with these issues.



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Public Comment:

Wendy Lukas asked if the victory water was yet in the system and if the flow of the water changes because it comes from Victory.  Foreman Dennison stated that yes the victory water is in the system, about two weeks now.  He also stated that it gets distributed and also to the tank, so the flow of the water does not change.  Ms. Lukas also commented on the Notification for the boil water advisory, she stated using this only is not good enough.


 This is a concern of Ms. Lukas, the reverse 911 system did not work in her opinion on this issue.  Ms. Lukas asked about the grant that CT Male may possibly write for the board, and what did they expect to get.  It was explained that this was a resubmission to last years grant.  She was also asking that Schuylerville post the meeting nights.


Executive Session:

Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to go into executive session for matters with the pending litigation with Joanna Albertson and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Commissioner Pink made a motion to return from the executive session and resume the regular meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner  Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.



Commissioner Pink made a motion to approve the settlement with Joanna Albertson and pay the $738.00 and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.





Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.




Respectfully submitted,




Brenda S. Buchanan

Recording Secretary