Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on December
19, 2006 at 7:00pm in Schuylerville.
Present: Chairman Paul Shaver,
Commissioners Travis Kline, Glenn Decker and Agatha White,
and Foreman Mark Dennison
Absent: Recording Secretary, Brenda Buchanan
This meeting was tape recorded, due to the absence of the Recording Secretary
Paul Shaver stated that at the end of the last meeting Chairman Kline announced his resignation from the Chairman position. He also stated that he would like to acknowledge all his hard work. He complemented Travis on his fine job of conducting a meeting, which was one of the best meetings he has attended on Aug. 15, 2006 meeting at the Legion. Mr. Shaver stated on behalf of the Board he would like to thank Travis for his work. Mr. Shaver also stated that one of his conditions of taking over the Chairman’s duties would be as long as Travis stayed on the board, which he agreed with.
Chairman Shaver announced the meetings for January will be Tuesday, January 9th and January 16th 2007. Mr. Shaver announced that the Village of Schuylerville will be hosting an open meeting seminar with Bob Freedman on Wednesday, January 17th from 10-2. If anyone would be interested in attending this seminar please contact Barb at the Village of Schuylerville.
Commissioner White
made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of November 14th, 2006,
it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.
Treasurers Report:
There was a resolution 2006-26 presented whereas the BOWM
agrees to reimburse the villages respectively for that portion of the
employer’s share for labor that is provided to the water department by village
employees. The actual cost of the NYS
retirement Employer’s Share for all gross salaries related to water work and
will be payable each month on the voucher request as a separate line item. The percentage will be based on the actual
percentage as reflected in the annual invoice as this rate is adjusted each
year by the NYS Retirement. Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve
this resolution 2006-26 and it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes,
motion passed.
Dec. 19, 2006
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Foreman's Report:
Foreman Dennison suggested we put out to bid the service for the electric for a manual transfer switch. He stated that in the past we have had problems with the water tank when we have lost power. Chairman Shaver asked the board members if they had any questions or comments, there were none. Chairman Shaver asked Foreman Dennison to go ahead and put this out to bid.
Foreman Dennison also suggested we eliminate the electrical 3 phase service at the pump house. He stated we don’t use this and we can save money if we put in a new service entrance. Commissioner Decker asked if there was anything salvageable at the pump house. Foreman Dennison stated he would take a look, but he didn’t think so. Chairman Shaver stated that when they were talking with Schuylerville they asked if they were getting the pump house back along with the Easton property. Mr. Shaver stated he felt we would not be able to do so because of the valves underneath in the cellar and we can use this for storage of some supplies. Chairman Shaver asked Foreman Dennison to get some quotes on the electrical service and bring them back to the board for discussion.
Foreman Dennison stated Dwyer completed the curb work that we hired them to do.
Old Business:
Condensation Problem: Commissioner Kline stated he would be taking care of this tomorrow.
Outside Engineering Firm and Morgans Run: Chairman Shaver stated that Phil Dixon was going to have some information on these issues.
Saratoga Apple Farm Market: Chairman Shaver stated that this issue will be discussed at the January meeting and he asked Foreman Dennison if he had a plan to get information together for this meeting. He also asked if it would be beneficial to talk with the owner and/or walk the property. Foreman Dennison stated that not at this time, he has some information that he will bring to the meeting. Commissioner Kline stated he has heard that the current owner has stepped into a lot of inherited problems.
Project Plaque Installation: Chairman
Shaver stated that this was discussed at the last meeting and we did not get a
motion to authorize the $500.00 for payment.
Commissioner Decker made a motion to authorize the $500.00 payment
and it was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.
Dec. 19, 2006
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Easton Property: Chairman Shaver stated he has been in contact with some people and he does not know why we need to keep this property. He suggested we contact Phil Dixon for him to contact Ed Bartholomew to see what we need to do to transfer this property back to the Village of Schuylerville. Chairman Shaver also stated that he would like to see the taxes, which will be paid are prorated and we get credited back some after the transfer is complete.
New Business:
Executive Session:
Public Comment:
Auditing Bills:
Chairman Shaver stated he and
Commissioner Kline discussed auditing the bills on a monthly basis and they
will be approved at each monthly meeting.
After a review of the months vouchers
Commissioner Kline made a motion
to approve the vouchers which will be abstract #7 and it was seconded by
Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.
There was a discussion of Phil
Dixon being at the meeting and getting some information. Due to the fact he was unable to get here
before the close of the meeting, we will contact him and get the information
for the next meeting.
Respectfully Submitted
Brenda S. Buchanan,
Recording Secretary