Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on August 8, 2006 at 6:30pm in Victory.


Present: Chairman Travis Kline, Commissioners Leslie Dennison and Paul Shaver, Alternate Jim Miers, Foreman Mark Dennison, and Recording Secretary Brenda Buchanan




The second meeting will be Tuesday, August 15, 2007 at 7pm at the American Legion in the Village of Schuylerville.


Treasurer’s Report:


There was a resolution #2006-16 presented to transfer $25,000.00 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Chairman Kline made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2006-16 to transfer $25,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.


There was a request from the Treasurer to determine the procedure to handle those consumers who are required to sign the outside water user agreement but protests to do so or have invalidated the agreement by altering it.  This agreement was updated a few years ago and we still have some consumers who have failed to execute such agreement that allows us to provide water to them.  She is looking for the board to determine the procedure.  Chairman Kline asked what the other board members thought of this issue.  Commissioner Shaver asked how many people does this involve.  It was stated about 20 out of 70.  Alternate Miers asked if we had our legal opinion on this issue.  It was stated that this has already been reviewed by Phil Dixon many months ago, he states we have every legal right to charge the increase in price.  Commissioner Dennison stated that back in August 05 the board agreed and this issue was finalized on charging the increased rate.  This should not be an issue at this time.  Alternate Miers stated that it has not been resolved with the Village of Schuylerville and that the Outside users are not happy and we should keep this open for a few months.  Commissioner Dennison reminded Mr. Miers that this was a board decision and already voted on.  Commissioner Shaver asked if we had consulted with our attorney about setting a policy on the use of the water so we don’t need to have signed agreements.  It was stated we had not and we would ask about this, and get his opinion.  Alternate Jim Miers made a motion that this issue be tabled and it was seconded by Commissioner Shaver, all ayes, motion passed.






August 8, 2006

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Foreman's Report:


Foreman Dennison stated that all the bricks are out of the Victory Wells and he has a video of this process.  He stated C&A labs and Consultant will be coming to look into some of the problems, do some additional testing and hope to be able to help with the on going problem.


Alternate Miers asked about notifying the public when they are flushing hydrants, putting it into the paper or knocking door to door.  Foreman Dennison stated that time restrains hold them back from going door to door.  It was also stated that putting it in the paper is very expensive and when things come up and it doesn’t get done, it’s a waste.  Chairman Kline stated we are working on a communication line.  Commissioner Shaver stated that we will be able to use the Town web site by the end of the week.  It was discussed to possibly have flyers in the village offices or possibly mailings in the water bills.


Foreman Dennison stated he had not ordered the pumps yet because he got the current 2 working together.  GE Osmonics do know we need bigger ones and he’s waiting to see if they will pay for them.  Foreman Dennison explained that possibly next week the clorine building will be taken down.  They are waiting for NiMo to disconnect and then they will be ready to go.

Foreman Dennison stated that there was a problem with water lines that feed the apple orchard.  He had pictures to show the board on the problem.  There is a 2” PVC on school property, 3 shut offs in locked gate, which is also locked on the other side.  Two lines feed the orchard.  They have it all shut off, but the orchard is still getting water.  Foreman Dennison stated he would like the board to consider writing a letter to the owner of the Orchard and disconnecting them from the system.  Mr. Dennison stated he was notified of a water leak on June 22, 2006 and we lost 50-60,000 gallons a day for about a week before the leak was taken care of.  Mr. Dennison stated he received a letter from DOH with concerns of cross connections.  He feels this is a large problem and sees the answer to be disconnection.  Foreman Dennison has spoken to the school and they stated they did not want to maintain this line.  Chairman Kline asked what has the owner done with the current leak.  Foreman Dennison spoke with the contractor and he stated they are looking into doing a full circle wrap.  He stated that there is a lot of plastic in the ground and it would cost a lot to replace it all.  He stated they should look for a different source of water and we should sever our lines.  We could have the other people on that line connect on Rt. 29.  Chairman Kline asked how much usage does the orchard have.  Mr. Dennison stated we are not metered so we are unable to determine amount.  Mr. Kline stated that we have the option to increase the units to justify the problem or he can go private.  Foreman Dennison stated his problem is the leaks, PVC pipes should be for drainage only. His concern along with the DOH concern is contamination.  There was a discussion on when the lines were put in and it was undetermined.  Chairman Kline stated that the board would look at this issue and the legal liability being aware of this problem.



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Old Business:


Victory Plant Improvements: plans and specifications need board approval:  Foreman Dennison stated he has looked the plans over and he has 3-4 pages of notes that need to be addressed.  He is available next week.  He stated that tomorrow he would be sitting down with the consultant and engineer at 9am, if anyone would like to come.


Laberge Group: Out of Scope Service:  Chairman Kline stated he has composed a letter and it is about 90% done and will have the board review it before it is sent.


Mileage Policy:  There was discussion on mileage and the policy of the board.  Chairman Kline stated that he thought this issue was settled.  Mayor Sullivan was requesting this to be put in writing so we can refer to this policy for future use.


New Business: 


East Side reservoir:  There was a discussion on what to do with the property at the reservoir site.  It was determined that this property will be no longer needed, once we get the new plant up and running.  Foreman Dennison stated that DOH stated they wanted this property be available to the Water for 6 months after the new plant went on line.  Alternate Miers asked about a letter from Steve Adams stating us going back on the old system until the water is cleared up.  Chairman Kline stated that is not what the letter stated and he read the letter and this will not happen.  Commissioner Shaver stated he would bring this issue back to the Village of Schuylerville and let them know that possibly by January 2007 it will be returned to the Village of Schuylerville.


Foreman Dennison also stated he is getting some quotes for curbs, which were taken out on Broad Street last year when new hydrants were put in that need to be replaced.


Executive Session: 




Chairman Kline made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Alternate Miers, all ayes, motion passed.




Respectfully Submitted



Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary


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