
Board of Water Management

Tuesday, August 26, 2008



The Schuylerville Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on August 26, 2008 at 7pm in the Village of Schuylerville.


Chairman Colvin led the meeting


Present:  Chairman Colvin, Commissioner Kahnle, Commissioner Lloyd

                Recording Secretary Buchanan

Absent: Commissioner Pink



The meetings for September will be Tuesday, Sept. 9th in Victory and Tuesday, Sept. 23rd in Schuylerville both to be held at 7pm.



The July 22, meeting minutes were tabled until the next meeting


The August 12th meeting minutes were tabled until the next meeting.


Treasurer’s Report:

There was a resolution #2008.09-7 presented to transfer $20,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2008.09-7 to transfer $20,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


Operational Items:

From National Grid:  Notification of routine tree maintenance will occur on September 2nd for the duration through January 1, 2009.  This is in the area of the Schuylerville Water Plant on Tow Bath Road.


From Weather Guard Roofing Co.: (for Victory Water Plant Improvement Building) offered is a preventative maintenance service program and will conduct an on-site survey to detect any problems that may be occurring and will then provide a report to you.  The outline is included and the cost includes a two hour minimum @ $79/hr. tech and $70/hr. roofer.  Material to be charged at minimum size or quantity.  After a discussion it was decided we do not need this plan.


Capital Improvement Project:

New Contract for Laberge Group:  Chairman Colvin asked Attorney Dixon if he reviewed the contract and what was his opinion on this matter.  Mr. Dixon stated that he reviewed the contract and made the necessary changes and it was good to go forward with.  Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve the contract and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.





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Contract Addendum No. 3:  This addendum is to the August 23, 2005 agreement covering Out of Scope Services. The contract amount shall be increased by $7,253.69 for provision of the additional services.  After a short discussion, Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve the contract addendum No. 3 and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


Contract Extension:  There was some discussion on a month extension that the contractor has asked the Engineers for.  This would be to extend the completion date for 30 days, moving from September 1, 2008 to October 1, 2008.  This is because a control unit that is needed is not in and will take additional time before it arrives on site.  It was discussed that Laberge is looking for an additional $3,000 in additional Resident Representation to cover these services to the end of the construction period now estimated to be October 1, 2008, or one month beyond the date currently stipulated in the construction contract.  Chairman Colvin asked the attorney for his recommendation on how this is handled as he does not feel the board should pay for these additional costs.  Attorney Dixon stated that there is a penalty if not done on time and that could cover the cost of the additional fees.  He stated that you could deduct this amount from the contractor’s amount of their next payment.  He stated that this is not the fault of the engineer and the contractor should be aware that they will be responsible for these costs.  It was stated that there has been no formal request from the contractor, it was stated in a letter dated July 25, 2008 that these costs would be if the contract deadline was extended.  Chairman Colvin stated he is going to speak to Steve Adams and get a breakdown of the costs within this $3,000.00, he also stated he would like a written request directly from the contractor.  Commissioner Lloyd approve to authorize Chairman Colvin to sign the extension after seeing the breakdown and the written request from the contractor agreeing they will be responsible for any additional costs incurred by the engineers, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


Interim Project Report from Laberge Group:  Chairman Colvin stated he had Maureen Kemmet request the report and it was not received as of this meeting.


Project Identification Plaque:  Chairman Colvin stated that he is waiting for some pricing.  Commissioner Lloyd stated he feels it’s in the contract and the contractor should be required to do this sign.  Chairman Colvin stated he would not make a decision without the pricing so they can do some comparisons.


Chief Water Operator’s Report:

Mr. Dennison submitted a written report. (see attached)  He was requesting permission to hire Davis Valve and MJR Construction for two separate jobs on Broad Street.  Commissioner Kahnle asked if this was a wish list or emergency work.  Chairman Colvin stated it was not a wish list or an emergency, but it is work that needs to be done for the benefit of Broad Street.  The estimated costs are $7,200.00 for Davis Valve and $1,200.00 for MJR Construction on each job.  It was stated that it needed to be done now because the state will be coming in and paving the street and they didn’t want to cut up the road after that time.  Commissioner Lloyd stated his problem with the work is the cost of the backhoe operator, he felt it was high for using our backhoe.  He stated he feels the job needs to be done, but the costs are high.  Chairman Colvin asked for a breakdown on the estimated costs and they were not available this time.  Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve the two jobs if the villages can do the work and backhoe work and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.  It was stated that if they are not able to do the work, this approval is revoked.  There was some discussion on if this motion is a conflict of interest as Commissioner Lloyd is also the Foreman of the Victory DPW.  Attorney Dixon stated he did not feel it would be a conflict as Mr. Lloyd would not be benefiting financially if this vote was approved or disapproved any differently.




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They had a discussion on the report of the update on the storm damage repair at the Schuylerville Plant.  (see report)  Chairman Colvin did state that Schuylerville does hold the insurance for that plant and they did submit a claim and they will hopefully recoup some of the loss of these damages.


There was a discussion about the Allen-Bradley Software and Misc. analytical equipment.  It was discussed these damages were not storm related and they are beyond warranty.  Chairman Colvin requested to see the costs that these repairs will incur.


There was some discussion on the Hudson River Superfund Site Public Water Supply Monitoring Program, the Defective by-pass butterfly valves, and the questions on Distribution operators.  Mr. Dennison was also requesting permission to establish an account with Staples.  Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to approve the request to establish an account with Staples for the water board and it was seconded by Commissioner Lloyd, all ayes, motion passed.  Chairman Colvin stated that he can order on-line instead of driving to Saratoga and they have state contract pricing.


There was some discussion on several empty drums that once contained non hazardous materials.  After this discussion it was decided to table this issue until we checked into the liability issue.  Commissioner Kahnle suggested we contact the Marinas and see if they have any use for them.


Mr. Dennison stated on his report that there has been some brown water complaints and they will be flushing hydrants again in some areas to hopefully clear this problem up.  This is an ongoing problem that usually develops every three to four months or a change in water temperature.


        Victory Plant:

Paving of Road at the Victory Plant: Chairman Colvin stated he is working on this.


Old Business:

Personnel Manual-no update

Hiring- no update

CDL request for Helwig:  This was tabled as the Chairman is concerned on the vehicle which the test would be taken on.


New Business:



Public Comment:

Wendy Lukas asked if Commissioner Pink was absent or no longer a member.  She asked if Mr. Lloyd was a new member of the board. Chairman Colvin stated Mr. Pink will be back the next meeting and Mr. Lloyd is a new member.  She inquired why the minutes were not available at the meetings.  It was stated that they are available on line or they can be foiled.  She was asking about the dates for the contract that was signed.  It was stated July 2008.  She made mention of the board enforcing the penalties that are for not meeting the deadlines on the project.  Mr. Dixon stated he would be looking into this issue.  Ms. Lukas inquired about the total cost for the broad street jobs.  It was stated approximately $20,000.  She asked about the PCB report and the results.  It was stated that they all came back undetectable.  She also inquired if the Chairman was in support of Mr. Helwig getting his CDL license.  Mr. Colvin state he was, but the truck was in question.



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Executive session:


Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to go into executive session to discuss a pending litigation with Thomas Derby, 13 Ferry St. Schuylerville, and it was seconded by Commissioner Lloyd, all ayes, motion passed.


After returning from Executive session Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to resume the regular meeting, as no action was taken in executive session, it was seconded by Commissioner Lloyd, all ayes, motion passed.






Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Chairman Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.





                                                                                                                        Respectfully Submitted.




Brenda S. Buchanan

                                                                                                                        Recording Secretary


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