August 24, 2005 - 7:30 PM



Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.


Clerk Catherine Cicero called the roll.  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Susan Cummings – present, Ralph Pascucci – present, Albert Baker – present, Paul Griffen – present, Robert Park – present, Laurie Griffen – absent (Laurie Griffen arrived at 7:44 p.m.), and alternate Patrick Hanehan – present. 

Also attending: Town Engineer Kenneth Martin, Town Supervisor Tom Wood, and many interested members of the public (Sign-In Sheet on file in the Minute Book).  


Approval of Minutes: All board members present had read the minutes of the July 27, 2005 meeting.  Ralph Pascucci noted a mistake regarding minimum lot size on page 5 of the minutes.  A motion was made by Susan Cummings to accept the minutes of July 27, 2005 as corrected by Ralph Pascucci, and Robert Park seconded it. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Ralph Pascucci – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye. Carried 6– 0.


Order of Business:




Saratoga Builders, LLC                                    Peter & Sue Grassi, Owners

8 Campion Lane                                        394 Burgoyne Rd.

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866              Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 168.-2- 24 & 25 Rural District


Sam Palazzole, Mike Brooks, Dan Barber, and Wendy Cimino of Creighton-Manning appeared before the Board regarding a conventional subdivision of 38 +/- acres consisting of 12 building lots on a new road off of Burgoyne Road.

Sam Palazzole updated the Board on progress since the last meeting.  First, there will be no stop signs on Burgoyne near the proposed development, although there will be three signs along the road indicating the entrances to the development.

He stated the Army Corps of Engineers has finished its work regarding the wetlands on the property.  Wetlands will be created to offset those disturbed by construction.  In addition, Saratoga Builders will be responsible for any wetlands disturbed by Mr. Grassi aside from those affected by the development.

Phase I, A and B of the archeological study have been completed and are being forwarded to the State Dept. of Parks.  Over 300 holes were dug as part of the study. As a result, only one 1’x1’ or 3’x3’ section containing arrowhead flakes was discovered.  A monument is planned for the spot so it will not be disturbed in perpetuity.

Twelve test holes for the well and septic had just been dug under the supervision of the DOH.  No problems had been found in any of the test holes, and soil was determined to be sandy loam.  Two wells will be drilled, on lots 9 and 10, about 100’ apart, to determine flow rate.  They also will be measured against each other to see if either is affected when water is drawn by the other.  The presumption is that, if they don’t draw down each other, they will not affect any wells that are located over 100’ away from them.  Chairman Ian Murray suggested that a third well be included, and Town Engineer Kenneth Martin agreed.  Mr. Palazzole stated that the DOH had recommended only two; however, Mr. Grassi’s well will also be monitored.  Chairman Ian Murray said that would be sufficient, given that the DOH will be the regulatory agency.

The Stormwater Management Report has been filed with the Planning Board and a copy will be forwarded to the DEC, given the sensitivity of the nearby creek and wetlands.

At this point, Mr. Palazzole stated that a question arose at last month’s meeting about the lack of reference to Mr. Grassi’s property fronting on Fish Creek.  Mr. Palazzole clarified that the reason that parcel is not mentioned is because Saratoga Builders, LLC is not buying it.  Mr. Grassi is retaining ownership of that piece of his property.

There will be a 75’ buffer around the property to disguise the development and to mitigate noise, lights, and debris from construction.  He stated that Saratoga Builders will follow to the letter whatever the Town dictates regarding methods of construction.  This is also true with regard to the road and driveways.

Mr. Palazzole noted that the section of road allowing the neighbor access to Burgoyne Road will be constructed first so that the neighbor does not become landlocked. 

He reported that a title search had been done which reflected that Mr. Narat has no easement over Mr. Grassi’s property.  Mr. Palazzole will provide Town Attorney William Reynolds with a copy of that report.

Mr. Palazzole stated that, in order to preserve natural resources, only the areas necessary for wells, septics, and driveways will be cleared; everything else on the property will be left alone.  Chairman Ian Murray asked Mr. Palazzole to mark those trees that would have to be removed.

He stated that the Neilson Landing development was required to submit lot clearing plans, because it was a well-wooded site, and recommended that the same system be used in this instance.  The well, septic and driveway would be laid out in accordance with the natural features of each site.

Dan Barber remarked that any buyer might desire a different situation than that proposed by the builders.  Chairman Ian Murray responded that, as each lot is sold, a lot-clearing plan would be developed and forwarded to Town Engineer Kenneth Martin for review.

Chairman Ian Murray reported that Town Engineer Kenneth Martin had consulted with DOT representatives who recommended that stop signs not be used for speed control.

Mr. Palazzole noted that no decision has been made with regard to a retaining wall at the northeast entrance; all options are still being considered.  Further, the SEQR EAF will be revised to correct Part I and be submitted to the Town.

Finally, Mr. Palazzole asked that the record reflect that he has contacted the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office to file a formal complaint regarding incidents of vandalism on the property.  Survey stakes have been moved or removed, and surveys have had to be redone due to tampering with the survey stakes, prolonging the review process by the Planning Board

Chairman Ian Murray noted at this point that there would be one more public hearing before the Planning Board makes a determination on the application.

Town Engineer Kenneth Martin requested that Wendy Cimino, of Creighton Manning Engineering, review the recommendations made by that firm and explain how she reached the conclusions made.  There followed a recitation of the conclusions made by the firm and the standards used for those conclusions.

Ralph Pascucci asked for clarification on whether actual speeds were used as a basis for the recommendation as opposed to the posted speed on that part of Burgoyne Road.  Ms. Cimino stated that the conclusions made were the same for both posted and actual speeds.



James Burke, Applicant                               

172 Co. Rt. 67                                                           

Stillwater, NY  12170                                     

S/B/L 195-1-16.1 Rural


Returning Applicant proposes to subdivide the 9.97+/- acre lot into four single family residential lots on Hanehan Road.  Two lots will be approximately 2 acres in size, and two lots will be approximately 3 acres in size. James Vianna spoke on behalf of the Applicant, stating that the original drainage plan has been changed slightly. Mr. Vianna also reported that he met with Town Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour and adjoining property owners regarding the drainage situation along that portion of Hanehan Road. Town Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour has agreed to relocate the 24” drainage culvert on that road. The resulting run-off will flow onto the property of Peg Adams, who has agreed to the plan. The swale will now run entirely along subdivision property.

Mr. Vianna reported that Phase I of the archeological study has been completed.  He reported that there will be additional screening along Lot #2, which would not affect site distances for the driveways, and the driveway location on Lot #4 has been moved closer to that on Lot #3 to make the curb cuts closer together.

In answer to a question by Robert Park, Mr. Vianna stated that the depth of the swale will be 2’.   David Myers explained that the swale would empty into a 3-4’ deep, stone-lined splash bowl on the Burke property, then the run-off will flow across to the Adams’ property.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that long-term erosion of the sandy soil on the property would have to be prevented.  Mr. Myers indicated an illustration for an energy dissipater designed for that purpose.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin asked for a more detailed plan of how the dissipater would spread out the swale as well as an apron plan, which Mr. Myers agreed to provide.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin also requested a detailed drawing of the infiltrator system.

Mr. Vianna responded to a question from Susan Cummings that he has a set of plans with the building envelopes on it.  There followed a brief explanation of the setbacks on each lot, as well as the intention of using some of the basement dig to fix the grade on an adjacent site.

Chairman Ian Murray requested a full-size set of drawings to be sent to the County Planning Board for review.  He stated that there would be another public hearing on this application before final approval is granted.  He directed the Applicant to complete an agricultural data statement and to provide notice to all the neighbors.


Paul Griffen made a motion, seconded by Laurie Griffin, for preliminary approval of the application for a 4 lot subdivision on Hanehan Road.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Ralph Pascucci – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye, Laurie Griffin – aye. Carried 7– 0. RETURNING



Sketch-Plan Conference


Gordon P. Nicholson, Applicant                                Walter J. Taras, Owner

900 Rte 146                                                                173 Co. Rd 69

Clifton Park, NY  12065                                           Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L 182.-2-15.11 Rural


James Vianna addressed the Board regarding Phase II of a planned development, consisting of a 36 unit subdivision of single family homes on 121.82+/- acres.

Mr. Vianna explained the most recent drawing, which included buffer areas marked in gray.  The buffer will be 100’ deep along County Road 69, and 220’ along Casey Road.  Ralph Pascucci asked for an acreage breakdown, which was provided by Mr. Vianna, a copy of which is included in the permanent file of this application.  Mr. Vianna stated that Mr. Taras would like a horse farm to be situated on the large lot, designated Lot # 35 Estate Lot.  The lot would include a residence and a tenant house.

Ralph Pascucci stated that he would prefer the estate lot to be rectangular.  There followed a discussion among the Board members on whether the estate lot should be located where it is and whether a second building would be permissible.  Ralph Pascucci stated that the estate lot should be included as part of the cluster lots, while Paul Griffin stated that Mr. Taras theoretically could be considered separately from the other property included in the application.

Mr. Vianna suggested that the estate lot be deed restricted so that it couldn’t be further subdivided, but be allowed to have a second house for a tenant residence.

Chairman Ian Murray expressed disappointment in the plans, stating that the plan looked essentially like the first two plans submitted by Mr. Taras, and shows little creativity.  Mr. Vianna responded that the plans reflect 5 fewer lots than the last proposal.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that the current map is the same base map as submitted previously, it is a conventional plan using a cluster for the houses, the plan ruins the rural character of the neighborhood, and the building density is too strong.  He noted that Mr. Taras has subdivided at least 7 other lots in that area in recent years.  Ralph Pascucci agreed that the proposal had not changed significantly from previous plans.

Susan Cummings asked what the house density would be if there were no cluster.  Mr. Vianna responded that there would be 40 houses.

Laurie Griffin stated that she didn’t like the plan, but was struggling with it.  She asked Mr. Vianna if he had asked the County about the entrances.  Mr. Vianna responded that the fire department wants two entrances to the subdivision to facilitate use of a tanker shuttle, if necessary.  She then asked Mr. Vianna if he had considered the use of a boulevard entrance.  Mr. Vianna responded that if a boulevard entrance is used, then courts would have to be used to reach all the lots.  Chairman Ian Murray suggested the use of a loop road.  Mr. Vianna stated that this can be considered.

Mr. Vianna stated that he would prefer to keep the buildings in one pocket of the parcel, and not have them spread out over the parcel.  He requested the Board to vote for conceptual approval of the plans so that engineering studies can begin.  He responded to a question by Laurie Griffin that no traffic study has been done yet.  He added that, even if the plans were changed to reflect these considerations, the changes shouldn’t affect the concept of the subdivision.  The number of houses and their general placement on the plan would stay the same.

There followed a discussion on the progress of the original proposal and the changes that had been made since its initial filing.

Paul Griffen made a motion, seconded by Bob Park to grant conceptual approval of the subdivision application.  Chairman Ian Murray requested that a roll call vote be taken:


Chairman Ian Murray – No.  He repeated that the proposal shows no creativity, the density is too much, the rural character will be changed too much, and the resulting traffic will be too much.

Susan Cummings – Aye.  The number of lots in the cluster is below the 40 that would be feasible otherwise.

Albert Baker – Aye, with the exception of Lot 35.  He does not want to see 2 residences on it.

Paul Griffin – Aye.  The Town has written regulations, and although there has been talk of changing them, they haven’t been changed yet.  He said he had strong feelings about telling a landowner what he can do with his property.

Laurie Griffin –Aye.  She said she would like to see alternative ideas for a different roadway.  She said that the plans are pretty much the same as before, but the lots have been reduced by 5, and the Applicant has done what the Board has asked.  She said she would like to see more creativity before the proposal gets too far along.

Robert Park –Aye.  He said that the proposal is in compliance with Town law, but the Town needs to look at the laws and the land plan.  He did not want to see Lot 35 subdivided, and considered the current proposal to be the lesser of the evils.

Ralph Pascucci – No.  He said that he had two reasons for his vote:  1. He would like to see the large lot with only one dwelling on it; and 2. The plans are too “cookie-cutter” and grid-like, and too much like the original concept.  He said that the Board was trying to do something that would have a positive impact visually as well as agriculturally.  He compared the proposal to Colonie and not what a conservation subdivision should be.  Carried 5-2




At this point in the proceedings, Chairman Ian Murray noted that the Town has received a $20,000 Quality Community Grant from the State as the result of efforts by Town Supervisor Tom Wood.  He read a description of the project:  This project is a joint venture to inventory, assess and assign the best land use to the remaining open space resources in the towns of Saratoga and Northumberland.  Both communities contain the last large farm operations in the Upper Hudson River corridor between the Adirondack Northway and the Hudson River.  They share the common vision that their collective agricultural, scenic, natural and recreational resources be protected as open space for perpetuity.

He explained that it would be an open space study done jointly by the two Towns.  Town Supervisor Tom Wood stated that there were a lot of similarities between the Towns of Northumberland and Saratoga, and the grant would help to create a visionary strategy for the preservation and protection of open space.  He passed out a copy of the application for the grant, prepared by the LA Group.

Chairman Ian Murray noted that the Town was very lucky to get the grant, which was given to only 20 communities in the State.



Gary Grentzer, Applicant

52 Ruggles Road

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

S/B/L 154-1-4.1 Rural Residential


Applicant proposes to subdivide 28.87+/- acres from his property for a single family home.  Gary Grentzer addressed the Board, stating that this is the third time he has appeared before the Board regarding this property.  The plans for the property now include just two lots off the existing cul-de-sac, rather than the previously proposed subdivision.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that the plans are do-able; however, the engineering work needs to be completed and submitted for both lots, and neighbor notification needs to be given. 

There followed a discussion on whether the Applicant was required to perform a perc test on the property.  Ralph Pascucci questioned whether the perc test needed to be performed at this time.   Town Engineer Kenneth Martin stated that the perc test should be required.  He stated that, in one instance in the past an agricultural lot had been subdivided and no perc test had been required, but the owner would have to appear before the Board before any building would be permitted on it.

Mr. Grentzer was instructed to perform the engineering work on the property before returning to the Board.  RETURNING



Bill Hoogeveen, Applicant                                            John and Barbara Hoogeveen, Owners

19 Oakleaf Dr.                                                       206 County Rd 71

Clifton Park, NY  12065                                           Stillwater, NY  12170

S/B/L 206-1-36.2 Rural


Applicant proposes to subdivide his parents’ farm for a single family home.  No one appeared on behalf of the Applicant.  TABLED


Marc & Rose Mikkelson, Applicant

142 Hanehan Rd.

Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L  195-1-16.2  Rural


Returning Applicants propose to divide a 6.88+/- parcel on Hanehan Road for a future single family dwelling, resulting in one 2+/- acre parcel and one 4.88+/- acre parcel.  Jake Mikkelson addressed the Board, stating that the survey had been done, the septic located, and the offsets marked for the building envelope.  In addition, the engineering work, which includes the deep hole and perc tests, has been done.

Chairman Ian Murray instructed Mr. Mikkelson to include the deep hole and perc test results on the survey and reference that Town Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway had performed them.  Mr. Mikkelson also needs to complete the neighbor notification for the proposal.

Paul Griffen requested that the building envelope be shortened so the building would be situated at least 15’ from the powerlines.  RETURNING


Special Use Permit 


Pember Dupras, Applicant                                Michael & Shawna Bannon, Owners

175 Louden Road                                       366 Puritan Road

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866              Gansevoort, NY  12831

S/B/L 156-1-38.32  Rural Residential


Returning Applicant is seeking a special use permit to move his business, Rain or Shine Tent Co., Inc., to a new location on property located 600’ west of Beaver Street on the south side of Rt 29 because he has outgrown the existing location at 1061 Rt 29 in Grangerville. The proposed parcel consists of 5.44+/-acres. No one appeared on behalf of the Applicant.  TABLED


Michael Giovanone

156 Sparrowbush Road

Latham, NY  12110

S/B/L 103-1-2  Lake Commercial


Applicant is seeking a special use permit for a boat storage facility on Route 9P, south of Lee’s Trailer Park.  Attorney Stephanie Ferradino, Jim Miller, and Wendy Cimino appeared on behalf of the Applicant.  Ms. Ferradino stated that a supplemental narrative and a modified site plan have been submitted to the Board since the last meeting.  Since then, the Applicant has decided that the storage facility will be restricted to boats; there will be no RVs or other equipment stored there. There is now a plan for containment of any resulting pollutants, and fire walls have been incorporated in the building plans.  She added that case law and other materials have been submitted to Town Attorney William Reynolds regarding the special permitted use. She formally requested that a public hearing be held on the application, referring to local law which requires the Planning Board to act on an application within 45 days of receipt of the application.  Chairman Ian Murray explained that a full EAF will be required for this application, and that the 45 day time limit wouldn’t begin until the SEQR review had been completed.  Ms. Ferradino stated that she had discussed the application with Town Attorney William Reynolds, who was away on vacation. Chairman Ian Murray stated that he was waiting for material from Town Attorney William Reynolds as well.

Wendy Cimino, of Creighton Manning, explained the traffic study that was filed at the last meeting, stating that the worst case scenario was used to calculate traffic numbers; therefore, the numbers used are very conservative.  It was determined that a left-turn lane would not be necessary to access the facility.  Ms. Cimino noted that, currently, two curb cuts into the property exist, but one will be removed. She stated that the posted speed near the property is 35 mph, while the actual is 45 mph.  It was determined that intersection signs would not be necessary, and that sight distances were sufficient, but she recommended that there be clearing of some vegetation.

Chairman Ian Murray asked Ms. Cimino how she was able to coordinate her traffic study with the traffic from the State boat launch a short distance down the road.  Ms. Cimino responded that the study already accounts for the launch traffic going by the facility, and that there was sufficient distance between the two places to avoid traffic problems.

Chairman Ian Murray raised concerns about adding to the existing traffic from the launch and was uncertain about how to tie the two issues together.  He was concerned that the facility would add to the launch traffic, noting that the launch already had a parking problem.  He asked Town Engineer Kenneth Martin if he could review the matter.

Jim Miller reviewed modifications that have been made to the building plans.  The storage bays now range from 28’ to 30’ long, lending some flexibility to the facility’s inner space, and match the mix of boat sizes to be stored.  The largest bay would be 30’ long, based on trailer size.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that he has a number of concerns regarding the proposal, including: additional traffic along 9P and the impact on the neighboring State boat launch.  Chairman Ian Murray was also concerned that Thomas Carringi, who owns an existing boat storage facility on the lake, may return to the Board requesting that his special use permit be amended and expanded.  He stated that this proposal is unique; there is no model to follow and no similar businesses in this area to look at.

Laurie Griffin was concerned with the proposed width of the entry.  Mr. Miller responded that the width is in accordance with NYSDOT commercial driveway size standards.  Ms. Cimino added that NYSDOT would have to review the driveway entrance and the Applicant would have to obtain a NYSDOT permit.

Mr. Miller stated that building coverage had been recalculated and that the wetlands located on the property had been removed from the calculations.  The buildings now cover 20% of the buildable area. 

Albert Baker noted that drivers trying to make turns with long trailers would need a lot of room and need to swing wide sometimes to make a turn; therefore, the driveway should probably be wider. He was concerned about drivers moving into the opposite lane in order to make their turn. Chairman Ian Murray repeated that NYSDOT would have to approve the driveway.

Mr. Miller stated that the plans now include a 100’ diameter turn around at the end, which is capable of accommodating a 30’ fixed axle vehicle.  The center lane within the facility has been increased by 14’ in some places.  Ralph Pascucci suggested that the shorter buildings be placed near the road end of the facility in order to present less of a visual mass to passers-by.  Mr. Miller responded that there will be windows on the buildings, siding, masonry, and evergreen landscaping to provide screening from the road, and a residential appearance.

Ralph Pascucci stated that he would like to see some creativity along the side view of the proposed facility.

There followed a discussion on whether the rule regarding excluding wetlands from the building coverage proposal should be applied.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that the rule applied to cluster developments.  Therefore, they should be backed out of the equation.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin stated that he did not find a reference to the rule anywhere else in the regulations, except with regard to cluster developments.

Town Engineer Kenneth Martin stated that he still needed the stormwater management report.  He asked whether the Applicant intended to pave the driveways and between the buildings. Mr. Miller stated that there would be paving along the driveway and crushed stone in the back.  He added that there will be a tractor located on the site to help put the boats in the bays, if necessary. 

Ralph Pascucci asked if the facility would be accessible year-round, and whether the Applicant intended to keep it plowed in the winter months.  Mr. Miller stated that there would be access to the buildings, but it would not be as open as in the busy season.

Albert Baker repeated his concerns regarding the traffic entering and exiting the facility.






Michael Pankowski addressed the Board regarding his interest in creating a kennel for his dogs, Bernie’s Mountain Dogs, on the property to be subdivided by Gary Grentzer.  He provided the Board with a photo of his proposed building.  Although there would be no commercial boarding, he does sell the dogs nationwide. 

There followed a discussion on where the building would be situated with regard to the topography of the property, which contains hilly mounds, a ravine, and heavily wooded areas. Mr. Pankowski stated that the character of the land would lend itself to muffling any sounds coming from the kennel. The kennel would include both indoor and outdoor runs. The discussion included the type of business, how Mr. Pankowski conducts the business and operates the kennel, and the temperment of the dogs that will be boarded there.  Ralph Pascucci questioned what would be a reasonable number of dogs to be kept at any given time.  Mr. Pankowski stated that the number of dogs probably would not exceed 40; however, the numbers would always be fluxuating due to the occurrence of litters.

In addition to the kennel, the building would include an office and stables. In answer to a question from Laurie Griffin, Mr. Pankowski stated that the kennel would generate very little traffic. 

Mr. Pankowski owns an existing kennel in the Town of Royalton in the Buffalo area.  He stated that he had never had any complaints about that facility.

Chairman Ian Murray explained that Mr. Pankowski would have to submit any material by September 14, in order to be on the September Planning Board agenda.



Old Business: Paul Griffin expressed concern about the progress of the zoning amendments.  He was concerned that no changes would be made until the spring.  In the meantime, he said that the Board is constrained by what regulations are currently on the books. 

Ralph Pascucci said it was the Board’s responsibility to make sure developers create something aesthetically appropriate for the fallow fields that would be turned into developments. 

He said that he did not want the farms to go away, but unfortunately, they are going away.  As people move into the Town, it was up to the Board to maintain the Town’s rural integrity.  The idea of cluster developments was supposed to help do that.  He said that the Board liked the open space, but then had to contend with the part that is developed, and needed to find ways of dealing with that.

There followed a discussion on the process of development versus the idea of preserving the rural character of the town.  Mr. Pascucci wondered at what point the process becomes burdensome to the developer or landowner.  There was also a discussion of how the wetlands on a property are considered when planning a subdivision.  Paul Griffin stated that conservation subdivisions should not be an option, but a requirement, unless the Board determines otherwise.

Town Supervisor Tom Wood suggested that Co-Chairmen Fred Drumm and Charles Hanehan of the Zoning Amendment Advisory Committee meet with the Town Board at the September meeting.  He voiced frustration at the slow progress of the committee’s work.

Town Supervisor Tom Wood noted that the recent grant mentioned earlier in the meeting would address some of the concerns voiced by the Board members.  He stated that it would be early next year before any public hearings would be held, and then the zoning regulations would have to be reorganized in order to be more user-friendly.

Paul Griffin offered to take over one of the sub-committees in order to move the process forward.  Town Supervisor stated that he would prefer to speak with the head of the sub-committee first.

Town Superintendent Tom Wood stated that fees would be adjusted within the next couple of months.  He also offered to set up a meeting between the Board members and Larry Benton of the Saratoga County Planning Board for discussion and clarification of some issues.


There followed a discussion with James Vianna regarding the status of the Burke property.  Mr. Vianna also had concerns about including information on the perc and deep hole tests on his survey that had been done by Town Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin proposed that all engineering work be performed by a professional engineer.  Chairman Ian Murray concurred, stating that this should probably be a Town regulation.

.Laurie Griffin made a motion, seconded by Paul Griffin, to request the Town to pass a regulation requiring all deep hole and perc tests be performed by a qualified, licensed professional, and witnessed by the Town Zoning Officer.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Ralph Pascucci – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Laurie Griffin – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye. Carried 7– 0.



There followed a discussion with several concerned Town residents regarding development in the Town of Saratoga in general, and the Burgoyne Estates development in particular.  Frank Narat was concerned that the Burgoyne Estates had never been given conceptual approval to move forward in the process.  Marilyn Zaborek questioned the inclusion of wetlands within the development plans.

The discussion also included the idea that the Town should increase its building lot fees.


Planning Clerk Catherine Cicero reported that extending the deadline for filing the meeting minutes, as discussed at the last meeting, would not be possible due to the Open Meeting Law.


New Business: None


The next meeting is scheduled for September 28, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.


A motion to adjourn was made at 11:05 p.m. by Paul Griffin and seconded by Albert Baker. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Paul Griffin – aye, and Ralph Pascucci – aye. Carried 7-0.


Respectfully submitted,


Catherine E. Cicero



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