August 22, 2007 - 7:30 PM



Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.


Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll.  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Robert Park - present, Patrick Hanehan - present, Paul Griffen – present, Laurie Griffen – present, Ralph Pascucci- absent, Robert McConnell- present, Alternate Jennifer Koval- present. 


Also attending: Town Engineer Ken Martin, Fred & Ruth Drumm, Kurt Heiss, Kevin & Kimberly Relyea and John Deyoe Sr.  (sign-in sheet is on file in the Minute Book).  


Approval of Minutes: All board members present had read the minutes of the June 27, 2007 meeting.  A motion was made by Robert McConnell to accept the minutes of June 27, 2007 as written, and Patrick Hanehan seconded it.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Robert Park – aye, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Robert McConnell – aye, Jennifer Koval – aye.         Carried 7 - 0.


Order of Business:


Chairman Ian Murray announced the last Applicant for the evening, David McKibbin with a sketch plan for a PUD on Stafford’s Bridge Rd., will not be coming tonight. This is Tabled at the applicant’s request.



Fred & Ruth Drumm

138 Burgoyne Rd.

Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L/ 156-3-30.11    Rural


Applicant proposes to subdivide a 1.84 acre parcel from the 78.26 acre farm for a single family residence.


Fred Drumm presented his map to the board explaining where the lot is on their farm; across from the cemetery.  Chairman Ian Murray asked if they wanted to subdivide it or just get a building permit.  Laurie Griffen asked what the advantage was of bringing this to the Planning Board and Mrs. Drumm explained that in order to get a loan, it has to be subdivided with a separate deed.  Chairman Ian Murray stated they meet all the minimum distances and set backs required, all the Board needs is the soil engineering and survey; since the perc test is done.  Mr. Drumm said he has the survey.  Robert Park asked about site distances and Chairman Ian Murray said it’s good and level there, site distance is fine.  We will advertise for a Public Hearing and the applicant will bring the survey of the lot.  Returning in October.



Sketch Plan Review


Kevin & Kim Relyea

53 Van Dorn St.

Saratoga, NY  12866

S/B/L 168-2-68.21   Rural


Applicants propose to subdivide 80,068 Sq. Ft. of property from 72+/- acres owned by her father, John F. Deyoe Sr., 297 County Rt. 68, on which to build a single family home.


Mr. Deyoe and Mr. Relyea presented their plan for this subdivision to the Board and showed them where the true lines should be on the map, since there was a problem with the positioning of the parcel on the tax map. They explained to Chairman Ian Murray they had the assessor send it in for corrections and the Board has the new corrected maps.

Chairman Ian Murray asked if they had the perc test done. Mr. Deyoe said they have to do it but the survey was done.  Chairman Ian Murray stated this is an older survey; and it indicates the parcel is already subdivided.  Mr. Deyoe agreed it is an older survey. He added they never went through with the subdivision.  Chairman Ian Murray noted that the map is dated 1998 and asked Town Engineer Ken Martin if that is a problem.  Town Engineer Ken Martin and Chairman Ian Murray agreed it should be updated.  Chairman Ian Murray stated for the Board’s approval purpose he sees no problem and Town Engineer Ken Martin sees no problem since the subdivision is the same. Chairman Ian Murray suggested they ask Thompson and Flemming to update the survey and Mr. Deyoe agreed to have it updated.  Chairman Ian Murray noted that a Public Hearing will be held next month. He added that  Mr. Deyoe and the Relyea’s need to bring in the soil engineering, perc test, updated survey and a completed application for next month’s meeting.  Returning


William Barton

677 Rt. 29

Saratoga, NY  12866

S/B/L/ 167-1-20   Rural Residential


Applicant is seeking a lot line adjustment between the lands of John F. and Josephine S. Hickey, 649 Rt. 29, Saratoga Springs, NY and the lands of William Barton.


Kurt Heiss, L.S of Tommell & Assoc. presented for Mr. Barton.  Mr. Hickey is going to sell Mr. Barton a 70’ strip of land; Mr. Barton wants to ensure his heirs access to the road for a possible second parcel in the future and he wants to do it now since they get along.  Chairman Ian Murray questioned why they need this; what is their intention?  Mr. Heiss believes it gives Mr. Barton secondary access to the parcel in the back. He also said Mr. Barton may want to pass his land on to his children and they may want to subdivide some day and he wants to prevent some potential problem.  Chairman Ian Murray questioned him about the curb cut on the other property and asked if his intent is to try and get a curb cut here.  Mr. Heiss stated not at this time. The Board discussed the options Mr. Barton has and suggested he try and obtain an additional 17’ from Mr. Hickey to increase his option of being able to make two legal lots instead of just the 66’ right-of-way for a roadway. Mr. Heiss wasn’t sure what Mr. Barton is looking to do, but will go back and let him know of the options the additional 17’ would provide him.  Mr. Heiss asked if they were to change the lot line can he get preliminary approval for this tonight and Chairman Ian Murray said technically yes, no motion or action is required.  Paul Griffin stated no action needed as long as the Board gets updated survey and deed.  Chairman Ian Murray told Mr. Heiss either way he wants to do it, as long as he brings in the updated survey and deed, Chairman Ian Murray can review and stamp for approval.  The Applicant would then have to file the update survey and deed with the County.  Returning


Old Business:  The Board had a brief discussion on the new material provided by the Saratoga Farms subdivision for next month’s meeting.


New Business:  The Board briefly discussed the upcoming sketch plan of the McKibbin PUD; Stafford Bridge Inn, LLC.


Next meeting will be held September 26, 2007.


A motion to adjourn was made by Robert McConnell, seconded by Laurie Griffin at 8:09 p.m.  Chairman Ian Murray-aye, Robert Park-aye, Patrick Hanehan-aye, Paul Griffen-aye, Laurie Griffen-aye, Robert McConnell – aye, Jennifer Koval-aye.  Carried 7-0



Respectfully submitted,


Linda McCabe

Planning Clerk


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