Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on Aug. 12, 2008 at 7pm in the Village of Victory.


Present: Chairman Whitney Colvin, Commissioner Douglas Pink, and Alternate Leslie Dennison

Absent: Commissioner Kahnle.


Chairman Colvin led the meeting.



The second meeting for August will be Tuesday, August 26th in Schuylerville at 7pm.



The July 8th meeting minutes were provided at the last meeting.  Commissioner Pink made a motion to approve the July 8th meeting minutes and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.


The July 22, 2008 meeting minutes were presented for review.


Treasurer’s Report:

There was a resolution #2008.09-6 presented to transfer $20,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Pink made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2008.09-6 to transfer $20,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.



Capital Improvement Project: 

New Contract for Laberge Group:  A draft contract was provided as the draft also was sent to attorney Phil Dixon.  Any comments for amendment should be addressed prior to your next meeting so a revised contract can be in place and ready for signature by August 26, 2008 meeting.


Interim Project Report from Laberge Group:  Laberge to provide an interim report for next meeting on the Victory Water Plant Improvements.


Project Identification Plaque:  The Treasurer reported that she received some correspondence suggesting that the BOWM could obtain the plaque completely on their own and install it, as supported by the contractor, and received a credit in the amount of $1,600.00  However, confirmation of the water board on that topic would be appreciated.  I have yet to receive an amount for the credit on the savings from installing the plaque on the building vs. the installation on the pedestal.  It was stated however, that the plaques would cost somewhere around $1,100.00.  Steve Adams provided today a list of three vendors who could provide an estimate if the water board chooses to price it out themselves and receive the credit in full (for the plaque and the installation-$1,600.00).  This was tabled until the next meeting as Chairman Colvin will talk with the Treasurer on the vendors listed by Mr. Adams.




August 12, 2008

Page two


Chief Water Operator’s Report:

Mark Dennison presented a written reported: see attached.

Chairman Colvin wanted to thank the Village of Victory for bring in the barricades for the 154 Broad Street repairs on August 4th.  He stated he appreciated the support from the Village of Victory.  There was some discussion on the line stops that were presented by Mr. Dennison.  Chairman Colvin stated he wants to see the insurance policy for MJR before any approval is given on this work.  This issue was tabled until next meeting.


Victory Plan:

Paving of Road at the Victory Plant:  Chairman Colvin stated he would work on something for the next meeting.


Extension:  Chairman Colvin stated that the Contractor is looking for a 6 week extension because they are waiting for electric controller valves.  This would require a change order.  It was also discussed that Laberge was requesting an approval for $3,000 plus to cover this month extension for services.  Chairman Colvin stated he would like to speak to the Treasurer and Steve Adams from Laberge before any decision is made.


Old Business:

Personnel Manual:  Chairman Colvin stated he would get what was done from Kori Siciliano and then work from there.


Hiring of Employee:  Alternate Dennison asked what was the strategy of the board to get some help down at the water plant.  Chairman Colvin stated he would like to see this go back out to bid and possibly put on the labor boards web site.  He stated he would work on letters of regret for the previous applicants.


Chairman Colvin asked about the status of the order for the laptop and the printer.  Secretary Buchanan stated that the printer has been ordered and is in the office.  The laptop has been ordered and will be in the early part of September.  We will wait until the laptop is in and have our computer support come and hook up the printer at the same time set the laptop up to be compatible with the current equipment and software.


New Business: 

CDL License request:  It was requested to have approval for Corey Helwig from Victory to get his CDL license, so he is qualified to drive the water truck.  There was some discussion on what truck he will take the test on.  Chairman Colvin stated he would like to speak to Mark Dennison, the Chief Water Operator before any decision is made.


Executive Session: 



Alternate Dennison made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.



Respectfully Submitted


Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary


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