Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on April 24, 2007 at 6:30pm in Schuylerville.


Present: Commissioners Kori Sicialiano, Margaret Ditch, and Wendy Lukas, Alternate Leslie Dennison,

Foreman Mark Dennison, Recording Secretary Brenda Buchanan, Mayor Sullivan and Mayor Sherman.


It was noted that Margaret Ditch has been appointed to the water board, so the title of Commissioner will be used.




The meetings in May will be May 8th and 22nd both meetings at 6:30. 

There was a discussion on changing the meeting dates for May, due to Commissioner Lukas is unable to attend these dates.  After a discussion it was determined to have the meetings May 8th, 6:30 in the Village of Victory and May 15th, 6:30 in the Village of Schuylerville.




There was a discussion on the approval of the meeting minutes for March 13th and 20th.  Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to approve the minutes of March 13 & 20th, they were seconded by Commissioner Dennison,  Commissioner Lukas abstained and Commissioner Ditch votes no, she stated she did not have the minutes with her.  Motion did not carry 2-2.


Treasurers Report:


There was a discussion on the proposed tentative budget in the amount of $595,665.00, with no rate increases.  Commissioner Lukas stated that she was not able to approve this budget, as she is a new member and she requested some information that was not available before this meeting.  Commissioner Ditch stated that she felt she did not have enough information to vote on this budget.  Commissioner Ditch asked Mayor Sherman if he had any objections on approving this budget.  He had no comments at this time.  There was some discussion on the cost of health insurance for any new employees, which was not determined.  Commissioner Lukas asked if they did not approve this budget where would we stand.  There was a discussion on the last year budget or the tentative budget would stand.  It was determined it is the tentative budget that would be followed. 

Commissioner Dennison made a motion to approve the 2007-2008 Operating Budget for the Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management in the amount of $595,665.00 with no rate increase and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, vote as followed.  Dennison - ayes, Siciliano – ayes, Ditch – ayes, Lukas – no, 3-1 motion carried, Operating Budget passed.


Commissioner Dennison made a motion to approve the 2007-2008 Capital Project Budget for the Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management in the amount of $5,500,000.00, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, vote as followed.  Dennison - ayes, Siciliano – ayes, Ditch – ayes, Lukas – no, 3-1 motion carried, Capital Project Budget passed.




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There was a resolution #2007-09 presented to transfer $10,000.00 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Ditch made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-09 to transfer $10,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


There was a resolution #2007-10 presented for an amendment, which is required to transfer money from the budget between appropriations for those costs associated with administration cost for the stamps, envelopes and training fees.  From J8320.2 Administration, Equipment in the amount of $2,000.00 to J8310.4 Administration, Contractual.  Commissioner Ditch made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-10 for an amendment change to the budget, and it was seconded by Commissioner Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.


Project Correspondence/Update:  Project Coordinator Maureen Kemmet reported that Laberge Group has offered in writing a response to Marks’s comments on the Victory Water Plant Improvements.  These responses have been sent to Mark, Phil Dixon and also both Village Mayors for review.  This response was delivered today and Commissioner Dennison suggested we set up a separate meeting with Steve from Laberge Group and discuss the plans and responses.  Mr. Adams explained the board does not need to provide any response now; a meeting would be good on his half also.  The water board also received today from Schuylerville’s Attorney several concerns on the water.  Commissioner Ditch explained that the water quality is a concern and she feels it needs further investigation.  She stated that this needs to be address as soon as possible, and also suggested possibly an independent review on this issue.  Mr. Adams stated that this is the board’s option and Commissioner Ditch expressed that this is the Village of Schuylerville request.  Mayor Sullivan stated that these are operational issues not project issues.  Commissioner Ditch stated that the primary concern should be the Fort Hardy Plant and be clarified on how things will proceed.  She stated that we should stop and let’s fix what is wrong before we proceed with another project.  Mayor Sullivan stated again that these are operational issues and they should not stop the project.  He stated that the water board is here to represent all users and we need to proceed.  Commissioner Dennison stated that we should sit down with Laberge and get some answers, so we can proceed.  Mayor Sullivan stated he spoke with Mike Montysko several times and he said they are operation issues also be advised that anyone can call him with questions or concerns.  Commissioner Lukas suggested we set up a meeting as soon as possible because the Village of Schuylerville is not comfortable at this time.  Mayor Sullivan again stated that this is operational issues and this should not stop the SEQR approve, all state and federal agency’s have given there approval.  The attorney Phil Dixon explained that this negative Declaration has already been approved in April 2004.  Why the additional SEQR is because of the change, 1 longer water lines and 2 waste water to collection to the sewer.  Why we need this additional SEQR is because so DEC can issue us a permit to work on the grounds.  He stated that this project has not gone out to bid yet so you can add or subtract anything on the plans before it is finalized.  This is only for wetlands work.  If you delay this part of the project it can delay the whole procedure and cause problems with the financing.  Commissioner Ditch stated that their attorney said the environmental factors are not sole decision on not signing this SEQR, they have many issues.  Mayor Sullivan stated that DOH will say if design is not or is good enough.  Mr. Montysko also said if we don’t do Victory we pay back all the grant money.  Rehab of the Victory Plant is part of the IMA & short term financing along with the capital project.  These are all operational issues.  Mayor Sherman asked that Mr. Montysko put this in a letter form for them.  Mayor Sullivan stated that Mr. Montysko said anyone can call him with concerns.  Commissioner Lukas suggested a meeting as soon as possible.  Mayor Sullivan stated that this will add cost to the project and prolong the project. 


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Attorney Dixon stated he would speak with the Attorney from Schuylerville and try to get something in writing from the DOH.  Commissioner Ditch asked if we can consider the Fort Hardy Plant not complete because of the many problems. 


Attorney Dixon stated that they would consider the plant complete, it is operational.  Commissioner Ditch asked even if we have bad quality water, we need to keep moving.  Commissioner Dennison stated that we need to have this meeting with Laberge and all Attorneys as soon as possible.  Mayor Sherman stated that the Village of Schuylerville wanted to get Schuylerville resolved first before we start another project.  Mayor Sullivan stated that you don’t stop because of operational problems and he would like to see a motion on the table for the SEQR which needs to be approved.  Commissioner Lukas made a motion to have a joint meeting on Thursday May 3rd at 6:30pm to discuss these issues, it was seconded by Commissioner Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.  Attorney Dixon stated that before we meet if anyone else has comments on the Victory Plans to please bring them along.  Commissioner Ditch explained she is not an engineer so looking at the plans makes this difficult.


Foreman’s Report:


Foreman Dennison stated he received a price on the PH meter that has been discussed and was looking for approval to get the meter and get it installed.  Commissioner Ditch made a motion to approve the purchase of the PH meter and it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas, all ayes, motion passed.  This is to come from the operation budget.


Foreman Dennison inquired about a letter that came from the Village of Schuylerville to the Water Board in regards to the elevated PH level from the Sewer Plant.  This letter was looking for a written report on this issue.  Foreman Dennison stated he did give a written report on March 24th and it was given to all board members and both villages.  He stated he also listed some remedies of what they will do from now on.  Mayor Sherman stated that the Attorney wanted this letter to go out, he had no other response.  Commissioner Ditch explained that she did get this report and she handed it in.  Foreman Dennison stated that he did and they have taken action he also addresses the letter from Earth Tech to Mayor Sherman.  He stated they did not request sampling.  He stated he did the sampling and he invited the sewer operator to the plant and they talked about the issue.  He explained that this was not a mechanical error it could not have happened unless it was a human error.  Foreman Dennison stressed that corrections have been made and they will be installing the PH meter which will also help.  He stated that he never got a copy of the procedures in this case. (Industrial User Permit)  Mr. Adams explained that the water should have gotten a copy and he will get another copy to the office.  Commissioner Lukas stated that this should be hanging in the water plant.  There was some discussion on a permit issued by the Village of Schuylerville to the Water board to discharge water to the sewer.  Mayor Sherman stated he will get a copy of this permit and get it to Foreman Dennison and the office. (SPDES permit issued by DEC) Foreman Dennison stated that the pumps are designed to pump automatically, he since has changed that and they will be pumped manually from this time on.  Foreman Dennison also stated he was requested by the Village of Schuylerville to produce one year of DOH reports.  He stated that at no time did he refuse the request, he stated that he was very busy at the time and has since gotten these reports and he presented them to the water board.  Mayor Sullivan stated that any request like this should come to the water board directly and the water board advises the Foreman to put this request together.  Foreman Dennison stressed they are short handed at the plant.




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Old Business:


Attorney Review: Phil Dixon: 

--Anitscalant Contract looks good and should be forwarded to the board.

--Charging for equipment:  He stated that the IMA says the villages can charge, but the water board should have an agreement in writing.  Mayor Sullivan asked what constitutes equipment, copier, and computer.  Mr. Dixon explained that this should be addressed.

--Outside firm running the water plant:  Attorney Dixon stated that the board would need to approve this and that there is no clear answer without amending the IMA.  Mayor Sullivan stated that the loan money is used up first and then grant money is used last.  If you don’t do project you still have to repay loan.  You just won’t get grant money.  The reason for the Victory Rehab is to keep the Fort Hardy Plant Costs down.  It’s Cheaper to run Victory plant, that’s why DOH approved it.  It will help keep rated down.

--Albertson request:  He explained that this is a policy issue.  There was a discussion on moving the line.  There was some discussion on other options.  Foreman Dennison stated he could put some prices together.  Commissioner Dennison made a motion to send a letter to the Albertsons that on the advice of the attorney no reimbursement will be given and we are reviewing the situation and trying to come up with an alternate resolution to this problem, it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas.  Vote as followed. Dennison –ayes, Lukas – ayes, Siciliano - ayes, Ditch – no. 3-1 motion carried.

--Easton Property Transfer:  He was not aware that any resolution was passed on this issue as of yet.  Mayor Sherman stated that they did pass a resolution accepting the property.  He stated he would get a copy to the office.  He also stated that there is a 500lb. propane tank up there in the woods.  He went on to say the road way has been washed out and no vehicles can get up there.


Commissioner Ditch requested the secretary forward the meeting minutes to the Village of Schuylerville at the same time as when they are sent to the Town.  They would like to put them on there web pages.


Commissioner Lukas asked about the advertisement we put in the paper for help.  Commissioner Dennison stated that we have received some responses and they need to be reviewed by the board.  Mayor Sullivan suggested we add this topic to the meeting with the Schuylerville Attorney.


There was some discussion on the water board not being able to be part of the retirement system and having employees of their own.  Commissioner Dennison presented a copy of a letter the water board received back in 05 concerning this issue from the Comptrollers Office.


New Business: 



Executive Session: 



Commissioner Dennison made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted


Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary

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