April 13, 2009

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance   

at 7:00 p.m.


Roll call: Ruth Drumm, Town Clerk, called the roll.  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Fred Drumm - present, Councilman Charles Hanehan- present, Councilwoman Betty Koval - present, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent (arrived at 7:20 p.m.)


Also present:  Deputy Town Clerk Linda McCabe, Town Attorney William Reynolds, Highway Superintendent Dave Hall, Zoning Officer Gil Albert, and other interested persons. 


Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/ Public Hearings: 

Supervisor Thomas Wood reviewed Local Law #4 of 2009 – Amending the Dog Ordinance.  Proof of advertisement in the Saratogian having been furnished, he opened the public hearing at 7:03 p.m.  No one spoke. Supervisor Thomas Wood made a motion seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan to close the public hearing at 7:04 p.m.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent.  Carried 4 – 0.


Supervisor Thomas Wood reviewed Local Law #5 of 2009 amending the Subdivision Regulations.  Proof of advertisement in the Saratogian having been furnished, he opened the public hearing at 7:06 p.m.  No one spoke. Supervisor Thomas Wood made a motion seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm to close the public hearing at 7:07 p.m.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent.  Carried 4 – 0.


Supervisor Thomas Wood reviewed the application for a Mass Gathering Permit #1 of 2009 from the Saratoga Rowing Association for the Saratoga Invitational Regatta on April 25th and 26th.  Proof of advertisement in the Saratogian having been furnished, he opened the public hearing at 7:08 p.m.  No one spoke. Supervisor Thomas Wood made a motion seconded by Councilwoman Betty Koval to close the public hearing at 7:09 p.m.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent.  Carried 4 – 0.

Supervisor Thomas Wood reviewed the application for a Mass Gathering Permit #2 of 2009 from the Saratoga Rowing Association for the NYS Championships on May 9th and 10th.  Proof of advertisement in the Saratogian having been furnished, he opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m.  No one spoke. Supervisor Thomas Wood made a motion seconded by Councilwoman Betty Koval to close the public hearing at 7:11 p.m.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent.  Carried 4 – 0.


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Councilwoman Betty Koval and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan to accept the minutes of the March 9th regular meeting as written.

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent.  Carried 4 – 0.  


Councilman Michael McLoughlin arrived at 7:20 p.m.


Town Clerk’s report for March 2009: Fees paid to the County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $167.10. Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the spay/neuter program $39.00. Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $63.29. Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $0.  Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $444.90. Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $184.96. Total State, County, and Local Revenues received were $899.25.


Zoning Officer’s March 2009 report: Supervisor Thomas Wood read Gil Albert’s report: 5 Building Permits, 5 Building Inspections, 7 Certificates of Occupancy, 1 Fire inspection, 1 Junk Yard Permit, 1 Complaint, 4 misc., and 1 Building Permit Renewal.  A check for $1,364.00 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Dog Control officer’s report for March 2009: The report was read by Supervisor Thomas Wood:  answered 21 complaints, took 1 dog to the shelter, 0 bite cases, traveled 200 miles, issued 11 warnings and 3 summonses were issued. 


Town Court report for March 2009: The following were closed: 153 Vehicle & Traffic, 13 Criminal/Penal Law, 3 DEC/ENCON, 2 Dog cases, 4 DWIs, 0 Town & Village Ordinance, 1 Small Claim/Civil, 0 Evictions, 0 Bench trials, 2 (case transfer) Divestiture Forms sent to County Court, 11 attended the Science of Speed School, 0 Defendants sentenced to probation, 200 hours of community service issued, 0 days of jail time issued, 2 Orders of Protection issued, and $12,182.50 in fees were paid to the NY State Comptroller.





Tax Collector’s report:  Tax Collector Jim Gorham reported:

                                  APRIL 2009







Number of bills collected








Tax collected




Fees collected




Penalties collected




     Total collected









Number of bills returned uncollected


Unpaid taxes returned to County Treas.







Paid to Supervisor




Paid to County Treasurer



Corporation taxes paid to County Treasurer







School and Village taxes paid to Co.Treas.






Unpaid taxes returned to County Treas.


Fees, unpaid taxes




     Total Warrant









Paid to Supervisor for




     Fees, Penalties and Interest



2009 Budget




     Favorable variance from budget







Monthly Report of the Town Historian:  Sean Kelleher submitted the following reports.  

  • We have been working forward to finish up a grant with the American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) through the National Park Service for $25,653.  In addition, I have been exploring with Supervisor Wood the potentials for the town to apply for a Federal Economic Recovery Funding through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program with New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). 
  • The Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Commission met at Town Hall on April 8.  The Commission meets quarterly to plan and direct activities to assist in the preservation and interpretation of the nationally-significant historical, natural, scenic, and recreational resources of the Corridor and to help foster community revitalization.
  • We continue our monthly genealogy meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 10 am in partnership with the Schuylerville Public Library. 
  • The Old Saratoga Historical Association will host a talk / community discussion about the activities that took place on the Schuylerville beach and waterfront on April 23 at 7:30 pm at Town Hall.


Monthly Report of the Town of Saratoga Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial Celebration Committee:

  • The Town of Saratoga received flags that commemorate this year's 400th anniversary of the explorations of Henry Hudson and Samuel de Champlain.  We are working on a Quadricentennial exhibit for our gallery space on the 2nd floor of Town Hall starting in June.


Assessor’s report:  Victoria Hayner submitted the following report.

March was a busy month in the Assessor’s Office.  We spent the month “fine-tuning” our Assessment roll.  The various tasks required for update were adding exemptions, reviewing building permits and making sure valuation on completed as well as partially completed projects was updated.  We also met with property owners requesting a conference to discuss their concerns regarding their property valuation. 


The first two weeks in April will be spent in getting all things ready for submitting the Tentative Roll for 2009 to the County for reproduction.  We anticipate receiving the 2009 roll by May 1st at which time it will be available for public inspection. The public is invited to review their property information and assessment Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM.  The Assessor will be available on Monday and Thursdays between the hours of 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.  The Assessor will also “sit with the Roll” on Monday, May 11th from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM and Saturday, May 9th between the hours of 9:30 AM and 12:30 PM. 


We have been out and around the Town doing inspections of various parcels and updating pictures as necessary and will continue the updating of property inventory.  


Highway Superintendent’s report:  Highway Superintendent Dave Hall reported that they are almost done sweeping the roads.  They are scraping the dirt roads and busy chipping brush.  On April 28th the crews will be attending a Mining and OSHA Safety Course put on by Pallette Stone at the Holiday Inn in Saratoga Springs. 


Supervisor’s report:   MARCH 2009

                  GENERAL FUND – TOWNWIDE (A FUND)                                      

                  Balance on hand Mar.1                 $   1,226,706.07

                  Mar. Revenues                              +        14,698.88

                  Mar. Disbursements                       -        51,549.17            

                  Balance Mar. 31                             $   1,189,855.78



                  Balance on hand Mar. 1             $      265,011.39

                  Mar. Revenues                               +         560.00

                  Mar. Disbursements                        -     5,692.48           

                  Balance Mar. 31                           $    259,878.91



                  Balance on hand Mar. 1                  $ 631,872.23

                  Mar. Revenues                                  + 69,053.00          

                  Mar. Disbursements                           - 58,670.47

                  Balance Mar. 31                               $ 642,254.76


YOUTH RECREATION & SERVICE   Mar. 31               $1,362.76


HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE  Mar. 31                  $ 908.00


                  BUILDING RESERVE  Mar. 31                                    $ 148,636.20                                

                        PARKS  Mar. 31    ($50,000 for Schuyler Park)              $  53,797.07


                  RISK  Mar. 31                                                                   $ 29,179.09


                  SCENIC BY WAYS GRANT   Mar. 31                           $      308.32        


v  Sales Tax Received – March 2009 - $69,053

v  Mortgage Tax Received – February 2009 - $14,088.80

v  Member Item Grant of $50,000 received for new town hall.

v  Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Grant #2 – reimbursement of $8,404.75 received.

v  Tenant Update – Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that there are 4 tenants in the new town hall building.  Three are excellent tenants.  The fourth tenant, Saratoga Labs, has been delinquent with their payments and they filed Chapter 11.  The town has filed paperwork in Boston for eviction of Saratoga Labs.  Since then they have filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and are no longer in business.  Town Attorney William Reynolds and I met with the bankruptcy trustee to go over the next steps in the process.  Supervisor Thomas Wood added that we have two parties that are anxious to lease the space as soon as it is available. 


Public comments on agenda items: None.


Committee reports:

Landfill:  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin is analyzing the test results.  He will submit his study to the NYS DEC to see if we can change from quarterly testing to semi-annual or annual testing. 


Insurance:  No report.


Youth:  Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that there are openings for a Director and a Red Cross Certified Swimming instructor for the Youth Swim Program.  An ad has been placed and applications are being accepted through April 30th.   Councilwoman Betty Koval and Councilman Michael McLoughlin will be interviewing the applicants. 


Senior Citizens:  Councilwoman Betty Koval reported.

The Quaker Springs Seniors met March 9th.  They had their luncheon followed by a business meeting.  On April 20th they will have their annual anniversary dinner which is provided by the Quaker Springs Women’s Fire Auxiliary.  


The Schuylerville Senior Citizens met March 10th.  They had a speaker regarding Medicare.  Future meetings will be continued the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.  The 2nd Tuesday will be a business meeting with members bringing a casserole dish.  The 4th Tuesday will be a sandwich gathering with entertainment but no business meeting.  Membership dues for the upcoming year will be collected at the May meeting.  Checks are to be made out to AARP.  There will not be a July meeting.  August will be a social meeting only.  Members should bring their own food and drink. 


Park Committee:  No report.


NIMS: No report. 


Committee to Honor Volunteer Firefighters & Emergency Medical Service Workers:  Sean Kelleher submitted the following:

  • We have a fundraising letter at the printers to sell commemorative bricks for the memorial.
  • Now that the weather has broken we hope to meet with Ian Murray to review our plans and gather his input and insight.
  • The various fire departments have made suggestions and the Supervisor Award has been (or is about to be) awarded.
  • It is expected that in May or June we will have the Supervisor Award recipients at a Town Board meeting.


General Schuyler Emergency Squad:  Sherry Doubleday reported that the squad will be doing a program at the school during EMS week in May. 


Quaker Springs Fire Department:  Stephen Bodnar reported that the fire department responded to 9 alarms in March.   They will be attending Hazardous Materials School in Victory Mills beginning April 21st  and will be working the regattas on April 25th and 26th.  The building is on hold pending agreement on a site work change order.

The department and auxiliary are sponsoring a Family Fun Day on April 26th at Saratoga Strikes in Saratoga Springs. The annual Chicken Barbeque will be on May 3rd from 12:00 - 3:00p.m.  Reservations are required. 

Stephen Bodnar thanked Supervisor Thomas Wood for swearing in their officers at the banquet. 


Saratoga County Farm Bureau:  No report.


Old business: 

Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that he contacted the New York State Department of Transportation and they checked the intersections from both directions at Burgoyne Rd. and DeGarmo Rd. and Burgoyne Rd. and Hayes Rd. where 4-way stop signs have been requested.  They had four suggestions:

v  Upgrade intersection warning signs – reflective material

v  Advisory speed limit for intersections to 30 mph

v  Stop signs on DeGarmo Road and Hayes Road placed on both sides of the road.

v  Painting a stop bar line on DeGarmo Road and Hayes Road at the intersections. 


The board asked Highway Superintendent Dave Hall for his help with the enhanced marking of the intersections.


New business:

On a motion by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm the following Resolution #09-46 Adoption of Local Law #4 of 2009 – Amending the Dog Ordinance was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.

WHEREAS, the Town Board has recognized the need to amend the dog ordinance to add provisions regarding prohibited acts by persons who own or harbor dogs; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has held a public hearing and received input from the townspeople; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to adopt Local Law #4 of 2009, amending the dog ordinance.  

(Local Law #4 of 2009 is attached.)


Town of                                  Saratoga                                             


            Local Law No.                        4                      of the year 2009


A local law   amending Chapter 158 of the Code of the Town of Saratoga            

Be it enacted by the                           Town Board                                                      of the

                                          (Name of Legislative Body)

            Town of                                  Saratoga                                                     as follows:  


Chapter 158 of the Code of the Town of Saratoga is hereby amended in the following respects:





Section 158-1(C) is amended to read as follows:

C.  Cause damage or destruction to the property of, or commit a nuisance upon the premises of a person other than the owner or person harboring such dog, such nuisance to include, but not be limited to, the dumping, knocking over or tearing open of garbage bags or receptacles, or the depositing of fecal matter or urine on such property of another.



                              This local law shall take effect immediately.


On a motion by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin the following Resolution #09-47 Adoption of Local Law #5 of 2009 - Amending the Subdivision Regulations was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.

WHEREAS, the Town Board has recognized the need to amend the Subdivision Regulations by clarifying the requirements of engineering escrow deposits for subdivision applications; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has held a public hearing and received input from the townspeople; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to adopt Local Law #5 of 2009, amending the Subdivision Regulations. (Local Law #5 of 2009 is attached.) 


            Town of                                  Saratoga                                             


            Local Law No.                        5                      of the year 2009


                     A local law   amending the Subdivision Regulations for the Town of Saratoga in respect to certain fees and charges.

Be it enacted by the                            Town Board                                                      of the

                                                      (Name of Legislative Body)

                  Town of                            Saratoga                                                     as follows:  


The Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Saratoga are hereby amended in the following respects:




Section VIII-Fees:

                  1.  Minor Subdivision

Application Fee (includes advertising fees) - $300.00 for 2 lots; $400.00 for 3 lots; $500.00 for 4 lots

Engineering Escrow Deposit - $500.00 shall be deposited in escrow with the Town to pay the costs of any reasonable and necessary engineering reviews, consultations and inspections on behalf of the Town.  Funds will be withdrawn only for actual expenses incurred.  Any unused portion will be refunded to the applicant.  Upon notice to the applicant, additional funds required for such expenses must be paid prior to further consideration of the application.


            2.   Major Subdivision


Application Fee (including advertising fees) - $1,000.00 plus $250.00 for each resulting lot.

Engineering Escrow Deposit - $2,000.00 shall be deposited in escrow with the Town to pay the costs of any reasonable and necessary engineering reviews, consultations and inspections on behalf of the Town.  Funds will be withdrawn only for actual expenses incurred.  Any unused portion will be refunded to the applicant.  Upon notice to the applicant, additional funds required for such expenses must be paid prior to further consideration of the application.




This local law shall take effect immediately.


On a motion by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan  the following Resolution #09-48 Support for Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) and the Office of Cultural Education Account was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.


WHEREAS, the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) was created in 1989 to provide technical assistance and grants to establish, improve or enhance records management programs in New York’s 4400 local governments, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF has awarded 8,856 grants totaling over $176 million to improve the management of records for over half of all local governments in New York State, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF saves local governments at least $5.6 million annually in storage costs by funding grant projects to identify and destroy non-permanent records, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF saves local governments at least $4.8 million annually in costs to search for records, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF has supported the preservation of over 3 million essential records, ensuring their continued availability for citizens, teachers, genealogists, and other researchers, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF has vastly improved public access to millions of records in thousands of local governments through projects to scan paper records, make records available online, or arrange and index voluminous older records, and

WHEREAS, the need for the LGRMIF grants program continues to grow with requests for more money to fund increasingly complex and costly records projects, and

WHEREAS, since 1989, State Archives staff have conducted 20,000 site visits to local governments to provide hands-on records management guidance at no cost to local governments, and 

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF has trained over 10,300 local government officials to manage both paper and electronic records through 130 onsite workshops and webinars given each year, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF has been at the forefront of technological change in local government, bringing hundreds of local governments into the Internet age in the 1990s, funding complex geographic systems projects, and supporting grants to scan and make available millions of images of local government records, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF and the program it supports continue to be flexible and responsive, operate at a high standard of excellence, and provide direct and significant benefit to local governments at no cost to the taxpayers, and

WHEREAS, the records needs of local governments are growing more complex and expensive, and greater support for the LGRMIF will make possible critical electronic records and disaster planning projects, and

WHEREAS, greater support for the LGRMIF will further make possible shared services programs that will save money for local governments by helping them develop cooperative and sustainable records management programs, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF fee has never been increased since its inception in 1989, and 

WHEREAS, the Town of Saratoga has benefited from technical assistance, training, publications and a LGRMIF grant totaling $11,648.00, and

WHEREAS, the LGRMIF continues to be critically important in the fulfillment of the many records and information related responsibilities of the town clerk,

WHEREAS, the Cultural Education Account funds most of the operations of the State Museum, Library, and Archives, and

WHEREAS, the Cultural Education Account balance is now fully depleted as a result of the severe decline in revenue and the annual and special transfers of funds to support other state purposes, and

WHEREAS, without the fee increase, the Office of Cultural Education’s services to the public will be at risk, including access to the Museum’s huge collection of natural history and historical artifacts, the Library’s collection of genealogical books and free online access to specialized databases and electronic journals, and the Archives historical records of state and colonial government going back to the early 1600s, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town of Saratoga supports Assembly Bill A-6783, which proposes modest increases in the fees supporting the Cultural Education Account from $15.00 to $22.50 and the LGRMIF from $5.00 to $7.50 per transaction to ensure the continuation of the programs of the Office of Cultural Education and improvement of records management programs in New York’s local governments through LGRMIF services and grants that increase citizen access to records, build vital information infrastructures in local government, stimulate local economies across the state, and allow our local leaders to address twenty-first century realities.


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported on the requests for speed limit reductions on County Road 68 and County Road 338.  The board will take the requests under consideration and continue to talk with residents.


On a motion by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilwoman Betty Koval   the following Resolution #09-49 Saratoga Country Inn PUD Extension Request

was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.

WHEREAS, on February 14, 2005, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga granted final approval for the Saratoga Country Inn PUD, by amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town,  and

WHEREAS, Article X, Section 3(J) of the Zoning Ordinance provides that approval for a PUD development project shall become null and void if construction has not begun within two years of the Town Board approval, and

WHEREAS, due to circumstances beyond control of the owner and applicant, said construction work has not begun as planned, and for good cause shown to the Town Board, it is therefore 

RESOLVED, that there is hereby granted an extension of time until May 12, 2011 within which construction work must begin for the Saratoga Country Inn PUD and such construction must be completed on or before eighteen (18) months of issuance of the first building permit, and it is further

RESOLVED, that if the aforesaid time limitations are not met, then the approval for this development project shall become null and void.


On a motion by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan the following Resolution #09-50 Mass Gathering Permit #1 of 2009 – Saratoga Rowing Association Regatta – Saratoga Invitational, April 25th and 26th

was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has received and reviewed  the application for a Mass Gathering Permit by the Saratoga Rowing Association for a Rowing Regatta as follows:

Permit #1:        Saratoga Rowing Association

543 Union Avenue

P.O. Box 750

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Contact: Christopher Chase, Regatta Director

Rowing Regatta, on Saturday, April 25th and Sunday, April 26th  at Fish Creek, Saratoga Lake with approximately 700 +/- people attending over the two day event; and

WHEREAS, the required information has been submitted, as required by Local Law #2 of 2006, and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has held a public hearing on April 13, 2009 for input by interested persons, and

WHEREAS, the event is desirable for the town, therefore be it,

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga that the permit is granted conditional upon the Town of Saratoga receiving a Certificate of Insurance for the above event naming the Town of Saratoga as additional insured in the amount of $2 million, at least 5 business days prior to the event; that the event is found to be in compliance with the NYS Department of Health regulations of Chapter 1, Title 10, Part 18 by the NYS DOH when required; and that the review of the information required by Local Law #2 of 2006, Section 3 is found to be adequate. 


On a motion by Supervisor Thomas Wood and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm  the following Resolution #09-51 Mass Gathering Permit #2 of 2009 – Saratoga Rowing Association Regatta – NYS Championships, May 9th and 10th 

was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has received and reviewed  the application for a Mass Gathering Permit by the Saratoga Rowing Association for a Rowing Regatta as follows:

Permit #2:        Saratoga Rowing Association

543 Union Avenue

P.O. Box 750

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Contact: Christopher Chase, Regatta Director

Rowing Regatta, on Saturday, May 9th  and Sunday, May 10th at Fish Creek, Saratoga Lake with approximately less than 5,000 people attending; and

WHEREAS, the required information has been submitted, as required by Local Law #2 of 2006, and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has held a public hearing on April 13, 2009 for input by interested persons, and

WHEREAS, the event is desirable for the town, therefore be it,

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga that the permit is granted conditional upon the Town of Saratoga receiving a Certificate of Insurance for the above event naming the Town of Saratoga as additional insured in the amount of $2 million, at least 5 business days prior to the event; that the event is found to be in compliance with the NYS Department of Health regulations of Chapter 1, Title 10, Part 18 by the NYS DOH when required; and that the review of the information required by Local Law #2 of 2006, Section 3 is found to be adequate. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that SLPID will continue the chemical weed control of Saratoga Lake this spring.  They will be treating the west side of the lake from the 9P Bridge south to Manning’s Cove.  


The Schuylerville Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting their Gardener’s Weekend this May 9th and 10th.  In addition to many events they will be planting “Historic Lilacs” in blues and reds around the village.  They have offered to plant two lilacs on the new town hall grounds.  The board accepted and appreciated their offer.    


Supervisor Thomas Wood announced that an Open House is being planned for the new town hall on Saturday, May 2, 2009, 10:00 am – noon.  The public is encouraged to tour the new town hall.  A ribbon cutting ceremony will be followed by tours of the building.  Refreshments will be served.


An open house discussion of traffic diversion during the Route 9P Bridge closure is scheduled for Monday, April 20, 2009 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM at town hall.



v  Saratoga County Department of Employment & Training announces the Summer Youth Employment Program – Application Priority Date is May 1, 2009- Applications are available at the Town Clerk’s office.  Call 884-4147 with any questions.  The town is considering being a work site for the program.

v  Schuyler Hose Company - thank you to the town board for the use of the meeting room for their annual OSHA training day.  

v  Notification by Alcove Marina & Pub of Liquor License Renewal


Privilege of the floor:

Clarence Fosdick suggested that the wall behind the “bench” in the meeting room would be great for a mural.  Supervisor Thomas Wood stated that it is being considered. 

John Deyoe asked the status of the sale of the old town hall.  Supervisor Thomas Wood stated that it will be sold soon to the Saratoga/Washington on the Hudson Partnership.  It will be used as their site to operate from.  The money is available for the sale.  The building was appraised for $85 to $115 thousand and the board is trying for $100,000, a midway figure. 

Stephen Bodnar asked questions about the Summer Youth Employment Program.

Pete Flanders suggested that we need a sound system for the meeting room.  Supervisor Thomas Wood responded that a new sound system has been applied for through a grant. 


Upcoming meetings:

v  Agenda meeting – Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

v  Regular town board meeting – Monday, May 11, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.  






Audit the Bills: On a motion by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilwoman Betty Koval the following Resolution #09- 52   Approving the payment of bills in Abstract 4G was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to authorize payment of the bills listed in Abstract 4G (04/13/2009) in the following amounts: General A $26,981.31,  General B $657.60, Youth Y $367.17 and Highway Outside DB $13,074.88, for a total of $41,080.96.

A motion to adjourn at 8:51 p.m. was made by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan.   Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.



Respectfully Submitted,



Ruth Drumm

Town Clerk