April 11, 2005

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 7:00 p.m.

Roll call: Town Clerk Ruth Drumm called the roll.  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Bruce Cornell - present, Councilman Charles Hanehan- present, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent, and Councilman Fred Drumm- present

Also present: Town Attorney William Reynolds, Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway,  Assessor/Bookkeeper Catherine DeFelice, Walter Flanders, Dan Craine, Sam Aldrich, Sean Kelleher, Richard Behrens, Marilyn Zaborek, Clarence Fosdick, Sue Hughes, Sue Reynolds, Donna Dodd-Thomas, Virginia Cornell, Gene Derby, Phil Steffen, Pat Pierce and Geraldine Freedman.


Councilman Michael McLoughlin arrived at 7:08 p.m.


Supervisor Thomas Wood presented Resolution # 05-47 - Schuylerville Community Theatre Recognition on their 25th Anniversary to Sue Reynolds and Donna Dodd-Thomas as follows:

Resolved, that the Town of Saratoga congratulates and commends the Schuylerville Community Theater for their superior contributions to the Town of Saratoga, and be it further

Resolved, that The Town of Saratoga applauds the devoted, enthusiastic and hard-working members of The Schuylerville Community Theater for their continuing contributions to the performing arts; service to the people of the Village of Schuylerville, Town of Saratoga and surrounding communities; and supports the future growth and longevity of the organization, and be it further

Resolved, that the Town of Saratoga congratulates all members of the Schuylerville Community Theater, recognizing the 25 years of outstanding service to the community and wholeheartedly supports their future growth and continuing efforts.

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5– 0. (The full text of this resolution is on file in the Resolution book in the Town Clerk’s office)


Sue Reynolds and Phil Steffen, sign maker, presented sign designs that the Sign Committee had developed.  Sue Reynolds explained that the Sign Committee consisted of herself, Councilman Charles Hanehan, Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour, Town Historian Sean Kelleher, and Crystal Hanehan. Phil Steffen displayed the signs for the board that were designed for placement at the main portals of the town.  He stated that the signs for the entrances to the town measure 34” X 61” and carry a 20 year limited warranty.  A Town Office sign, which would be two sided, would measure 24” X 40.75” and would have an outdoor life expectancy of 5 to 7 years.  Sue added that smaller signs were also designed but could be done next year and included in the 2006 budget.

Councilman Michael McLoughlin made a motion to order 7 gateway signs and 2 town office signs for $7,500 and to pay $975 for the logo development, design & layout, and conceptual drawings from Account A8510.4 Community Beautification as budgeted for. Councilman Bruce Cornell seconded it.  It was noted that a written warranty would be provided and the Sign Committee would give final approval of the colors.  A timeframe of about 5 weeks for completion was given.  

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5– 0.


Approval of Minutes: All board members had received and read the minutes of March 14, 2005.  A motion was made by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan to accept the minutes of the March 14th, 2005 meeting as written. Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5– 0.


Town Clerk’s report: March 2005: Fees paid to the County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $210.97. Dog license fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets $75.00. Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $75.58. Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $562.03. Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $83.17. Total State, County, and Local Revenues received were $1,006.75.


Zoning Officer’s report: March 2005: 5 Building Permits, 4 C.O.’s, and 2 Junk Yard Permits were issued.   A check for $570 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood.


Supervisor’s report: Supervisor Thomas Wood presented March 2005 balances in Town funds as follows: General A $880,815.29, General B $74,200.31, Highway Outside $156,635.72, Youth Recreation & Services $889.25, Highway Equipment Reserve $109,211.04, Building Reserve $808,737.05, and Fire Protection $8,442.01.  March revenues were $63,367.49 and expenses were $131,502.29.  The total March 2005 balance is $2,038,930.67.


Public comments on agenda items:

Sue Hughes, 3 Burgoyne St., asked the board to support the implementation of a Sex Offender Task Force by Saratoga County.  The task force would provide needed information regarding the location, concentration, and public notification of sex offenders residing in the town.  Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that the board is prepared to address the issue this evening under New Business. 


Committee reports:

Highway:  Supervisor Thomas Wood noted that Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour is on vacation.  Highway Foreman Rick Drew submitted a report and Supervisor Thomas Wood read it.  Rick Drew, Highway Foreman, reported that the highway crews have been very busy sweeping winter sand off roads, patching pot holes, applying gravel, scraping dirt roads, and repairing, painting and rebuilding the town’s 15 ton trailer. They have repaired storm damage from the 2.50 inches of rain we received on March 28th. During the morning hours there was water over Fitch, Caldwell, Duell, Swamp and Ruckytuck Roads, but by 2:00 pm, the highway crew was able to have all the roads open and passable except Swamp Road which they closed.  There were numerous wash outs throughout the town.  The next two days the crew addressed all the wash outs and repaired Swamp Rd.  A report was sent to the Saratoga County Emergency Services listing all the damage that occurred due to the storm for FEMA money, if it should become available.  All the work done was documented per FEMA guidelines, utilizing work orders. 


Landfill: Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the quarterly report from Hudson Environmental Services shows no unusual conditions at the town landfill and all tests are within acceptable limits. 


Insurance: No report.


Youth Committee report: Councilman Michael McLoughlin reported that they are in the process of arranging for the “Blessing of the Pets” on June 12th at Fort Hardy Park.  There are many activities planned for the day. 


Buildings: Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the third meeting of the fifteen member building committee met on April 7th.   Details on all the possible sites were reviewed and then the 15 possible sites were narrowed down to 5 sites.  The Survey Committee consisting of Sean Kelleher, Bill Reynolds and Jack Ditch presented a draft survey to the Building Committee for further input.  The Survey Committee will finalize the survey and it will be mailed to the voters of the town for their feedback.  Supervisor Thomas Wood checked with Saratoga County on the cost for printing the survey form and he checked into getting address labels from the Board of Elections.        


Senior Citizens report: Councilman Bruce Cornell reported that the Old Saratoga Seniors met on March 22nd, April 12th and April 22nd, entertainment was provided and enjoyed by all.  The Quaker Springs Sunshiners met today and celebrated their anniversary with a delicious dinner put on by the Quaker Springs Auxiliary and Joe Peck provided the entertainment.  


Park Committee report: No report.


Zoning Amendment Advisory Committee (ZAAC): Supervisor Thomas Wood expanded the committee with four new members which include Sue Cummings, Ruth Drumm, Laurie Griffen, and Pat Peck.  Councilman Charles Hanehan reported that at their meeting on March 22nd the committee was polled on a moratorium on development in the town and a large majority felt that it was not needed at this time.  Planning Board Chairman Ian Murray disclosed some shortfalls with the current Zoning Regulations and discussion followed.  Councilman Charles Hanehan noted that a letter from Sean Kelleher regarding historic places in the town and how they should be addressed as we go forward with zoning changes.  A meeting with Sean Kelleher will take place in the near future.   


Old Business: None




New Business:

Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that Justice David Mathis is writing a grant for a recording and amplification system for the court room and a resolution is needed to authorize him to apply for the grant.  Resolution #05-46, authorization for Justice David Mathis to apply for a Justice Court Assistance Program Grant for a Recording and Amplification System for the court room was introduced by Supervisor Thomas Wood and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan. Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye.  Carried 5– 0.  (The full text of this resolution is filed in the Resolution Book in the Town Clerk’s office).  It was noted that this system would be available for all meetings held in the large meeting room including meetings of the Town Board, Planning Board, and the Zoning Board of Appeals.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood disclosed that after discussions with members from both the Town Board and Planning Board an alternate was recommended for the vacant alternate Planning Board seat.  Resolution #05-48 was introduced by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Bruce Cornell as follows:

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has accepted, with regret, the resignation of Barney Drumm as an alternate member of the Planning Board, therefore be it

RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to appoint Patrick Hanehan, to the remaining term of Barney Drumm as Alternate Planning Board member from April 11, 2005 to December 31, 2008.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan – abstain.  Carried 4– 0.


Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that Historian Sean Kelleher has been working hard developing a Historic Records Collection Policy for the town in consultation with the Town Clerk and other state agencies.  Historian Sean Kelleher stated that he wanted to put some direction and policy on the collecting of Historical Records of the town. He also encourages other organizations such as libraries or historical societies to take the non-governmental records, although no interest has been shown by any.  

Resolution #05-49 was introduced by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin as follows:

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga recognizes the need for a policy for the collection of historical records of the Town of Saratoga, and

WHEREAS, it is recognized that there is a need for certain guidelines, both for the Historian and for those wishing to make contributions to the historical record collection, therefore be it

RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to adopt a Historical Record Collection Policy (attached). 

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye  Carried 5– 0.  (The full text of this resolution and the Historical Records Collection Policy is filed in the Resolution Book in the Town Clerk’s office).


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that Marlene Bissell of the Adirondack School is coordinating Earth Day Clean–Up again this year.  The specific areas to be cleaned up will be the Lock 5 area, down the Towpath and past the Town Hall to the Schuyler House.  Other areas were suggested such as Burgoyne Road.  Brush will also be cleaned-up at the Lock 5 area.  The trash is taken to the Town Garage where the town crew brings it to the landfill.  Resolution #05-50 was introduced by Supervisor Thomas Wood and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan as follows:  

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga agrees that the Earth Day Clean-up should be supported and the volunteer effort for clean roadsides is very much appreciated, therefore be it


RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to provide up to $300 towards the cost of the trash disposal for Earth Day, Friday, April 15, 2005 from Celebrations A7550.4.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye  Carried 5– 0.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the 12th annual “March for Parks” will be held on April 30, 2005.  This is the sole yearly fund raising event of The Friends of Saratoga Battlefield and is used for cultural programs at The Saratoga National Historical Park.  Resolution #05-51 was introduced by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Bruce Cornell as follows: 

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga agrees that the support of the Saratoga National Historical Park as a leading tourist attraction to our area is good for all in the Town of Saratoga, therefore be it

RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to donate $100 to the “March for Parks” on April 30, 2005 from the Celebrations Account # A 7550.4. Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye  Carried 5– 0.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood introduced Resolution #05-52 and Councilman Charles Hanehan seconded it as follows:

RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga requests the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors to create a task force to bring about coordination among public agencies involved in the reporting, placement and/or supervision of or about level-three sex offenders within Saratoga County and to appoint a representative of the Town of Saratoga to serve on such committee if created.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye  Carried 5– 0.  

(The full text of this resolution is on file in the Resolution Book in the Town Clerk’s office.)


Richard Behrens gave an update on the General Schuyler Emergency Squad’s progress on their new building, which is in its infancy.  He mentioned two initiatives, one being the design of the building and the other is raising the money to build it. Regarding the building design, they have eliminated one builder and are currently working with another.  He also reported that a non-member, citizen based fund raising effort is underway.  Richard Behrens added that the GSES has recently purchased a “new” paramedic car for the squad.  It is a white 2000 Ford Explorer and once lettered it should be in use in about a month.  He then reported that the call volume of the squad is ahead of last year’s at this point and last year they had 741 calls in all. 


Virginia Cornell reported on the General Schuyler Emergency Squad Variety Show scheduled for April 29th at 7:00 pm in the High School Auditorium.  It is a fundraiser for the new building.  She thanked Sue Hughes and Barb Scaglione for their help in the planning.  There are many routines planned for a great show. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood spoke regarding the 2004-2005 Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grants that were applied for from the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets.  A letter received on March 18, 2005 from William Kimball, Director of the Agricultural Protection & Development Services informed us that the project from the Town of Saratoga was not selected.  The four applicants from the Town of Saratoga were Hanna, Shultz, LaBarge, & Ritson.  Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the 2005- 2006 application forms are available through the town clerk’s office.  Councilman Charles Hanehan encouraged landowners to continue to apply.  



A letter of notification was received stating that the Liquor License for the Alcove Marina & Pub, Rt. 4 South, Schuylerville, NY is being renewed. 


Niagara Mohawk has notified the town that a Gas Line Survey will be conducted during April.  They will be checking for gas leaks on approximately 20 % of their entire gas distribution system in order to find leaks before they become problematic.  This will be conducted during the early morning hours and Niagara Mohawk employees will be easily identifiable; they will have an orange hardhat, a reflective vest, and appropriate company identification. 


A letter from the National Park Service was received stating plans to reclaim the 9-acre site where the NYS DOT Maintenance Building is on Rt. 4, just south of Schuylerville, for the Park Service.  It has been determined that this site was part of the original General Philip Schuyler Estate and that the original Schuyler House was located on its eastern edge.  A possible site for the relocation is the Fane Concrete site on Route 4 North.   A meeting will take place with Congressman Sweeney, Assemblyman McDonald, State Senator Bruno, local officials and the NYS DOT to formulate a strategy to finance the relocation. 


Ruth Pierpont, Director of Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau, has notified the town that the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church has been listed on the State Register of Historic Places. 


It was noted that the NYS DOT 9P Bridge over Saratoga Lake Outlet has been included on the Capital District’s Transportation Improvement Program’s (TIP) list for federal aid in the amount of $7.78 million. These projects are scheduled for work between October 2005 and September 2010. 


The Town of Easton’s Town Planning Board provided information pertaining to the critical environmental areas in the Town of Easton to the Town of Saratoga since it adjoins the Town of Easton.  This information was provided in response to growing interest in regional resources, coordinated reviews, and regional services planning. 


Privilege of the floor:

Sean Kelleher commented on the National Park Service’s plan to reclaim the 9-acre site where the NYS DOT Maintenance Building is presently.  He suggested that money also be pursued for the possible clean up of the old Town of Saratoga landfill site on the property.


Dan Craine reported that the Youth Group of the Quaker Springs Methodist Church under Tim Lagoe’s direction will be providing lunch for the Rebuilding Together Team on April 23rd and 30th.  Volunteers and donations are needed.  Dan Craine added that the General Schuyler Emergency Squad responded to a 911 call when Walt Griffen had a collapsed lung a couple of days ago.  The squad was the first to get there and immediately put him on a ventilator and probably saved his life.  Supervisor Thomas Wood commended the squad for an outstanding job. 


Sam Aldrich stated that the Hudson Crossing will have an Opening Day at Lock 5 on July 16, 2005. 


Marilyn Zaborek, 387 Burgoyne Rd., asked that the Town review the Building Standards along with the Zoning Regulations, especially regarding Storm water runoff.  She also requested that the town review the drains put in through the wetlands from Staffords Bridge to Bryants Bridge.  Marilyn Zaborek asked that the town propose to the County to have maximum speed signs posted along Fish Creek in the vicinity of Bryants Bridge, she added that it is a no wake zone.  She further suggested that when the Sex Offender Task Force is created that they include photos of the sex offenders with notifications to assist in their recognition. 


The next building committee meeting & agenda meeting will be on Thursday, May 5th at 6:00 p.m.  The next regular meeting will be Monday, May 9th, 2005 at 7:00 pm.


Councilman Michael McLoughlin left the meeting at 8:33 p.m.


Audit the Bills: Per abstract 04/11/2005 (4G): General A $14,595.94, General B $621.85, Youth $384.90, (2H): Highway Outside $11,337.81, Building Reserve $983.75 for a total expense of $27,924.25.


A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Charles Hanehan at 8:47 pm and Councilman Fred Drumm seconded it. Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell – aye, and Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent.  Carried 4– 0.


Respectfully Submitted,



Ruth Drumm

Town Clerk

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