



April 10, 2006

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 7:00 p.m.


Roll call: Ruth Drumm, Town Clerk, called the roll.  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Fred Drumm - present, Councilman Charles Hanehan- present, Councilwoman Betty Koval - present, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – present.

Also present: Highway Superintendent Dave Hall, Assessor/Bookkeeper Catherine DeFelice, Deputy Town Clerk Linda McCabe, Town Attorney William Reynolds, Justice Jack Ditch, Tax Collector James Gorham, Historian Sean Kelleher, and additional townspeople on the sign-up sheet filed in the 2006 Minutes Appendix in the Town Clerk’s Office. 


Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/ Public Hearings:


PUD - Yarislov Zujovic, Applicant, George & Gertrude Pravda, Owners- 1460 Rt. 9P, Saratoga Springs, S/B/L 180.18-1-2 & 3, Lake Commercial District – applicant proposes 14 units – Townhouses on 1.2 acres.  Ron Mogren of Saratoga Associates, and Yarislov Zujovic addressed the board.  Ron Mogren explained the Storm water Management Plan to the board.  Mr. Zujovic explained that there would be 7 units of 1,300 sq. ft. and 7 units with 1,200 sq. ft.  They would each have a garage and one parking space.  There would be plantings for screening and a 70’ rear setback.  He added that there is a 10,000 gal. water tank and an extra well on the site for fire protection while they are rolling the hoses out to the Lake.

Councilman Fred Drumm asked if they would cut the number of units in half and Mr. Zujovic explained that due to the high cost of demolition and construction costs it would not be economically feasible.  He would consider reducing it to 12 units, but the cost of removing the trailers and two structures is high.   

Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that under current zoning, the parcel could have one 4 unit structure.  Action will be taken later in the meeting under New Business.


Public Hearings:

Local Law #3 of 2006 – Regulating Adult Use Businesses.   A map was presented with the area selected outlined.  Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that no applications have been received to date.  He added that the town has no present regulations and Supreme Court Rulings have supported that municipalities cannot totally prohibit them from an entire town. Neighboring towns of Northumberland and Stillwater have Industrial Zones where they are permitted.  The town of Saratoga is predominately rural with no Industrial Zones.  The board attempted to select an area with minimal visibility and to maximize the likelihood that someone would not locate in the town.  He added that the board realizes that this law can be improved upon and they are here to listen and to make adjustments.   He noted that NO ACTION will be taken tonight, other than declaring the town board the Lead Agency for the SEQR review for the law only.  Supervisor Thomas Wood covered the main points of the adult use regulation law and stated that we were adopting a previous study by the Town of Lindley, New York, on the adverse impacts caused by adult businesses on communities as part of the law. He stated the law proposed a Rural A District, an overlay zone within the Rural District, with the area contained within the boundaries of NYS Rt. 4 to the East, County Rt. 69 to the South, Hathaway Road to the West, and Swamp Road and Haas Road to the North. He added that further restrictions are included in the law such as a business must be 500 feet or more from an existing residence, school, etc. The business would require a Special Use Permit and would be required go through the Planning Board process to obtain it. 

   Proof of Legal Notice in the Saratogian on 3/29/2006 having been furnished, Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the public hearing and explained the Rules of the Board for conducting public hearings.  The following residents spoke AGAINST the law:

Kurt Mausert, 135 Hathaway Rd, commented that these businesses thrive on remote discrete locations.  He added that they also increase the crime rate and drug activity increases.  These secondary effects put stress on law enforcement and must be minimized.  He suggested a commercial area, Rt. 29, would be better suited as it is patrolled by law enforcement officers. 

Dorothy Robinson, Haas Rd, stated that the purpose of zoning is to accommodate the health, safety, and welfare of society.  This kind of business would not accommodate any of those.  She added that the bylaws of the town state that the purpose of the Rural District is to enhance agricultural pursuits and adult businesses would not do that.  Her third point was that designating a rural corridor of the town is a devious method of dealing with the problem.  She suggested the area across from the National Cemetery.  She asked when the town was going to designate an area for children and provide parkland.  Councilman Charles Hanehan explained that the land across from the National Cemetery has had its development rights purchased and is deed restricted making it impossible to start a business there so it is too restrictive and could be challenged in court.

Joe Mayville, 152 Haas Rd, stated that they would reduce property values in the area.

Kristina Saddlemire Reese, 922 Rt. 4 S, stated that although it is a rural area it is easily accessible.  She added that Rt. 4 is a scenic by-way area and an adult business would detract from that.  She noted once zoned the property values would go down and suggested a moratorium.  Supervisor Thomas Wood, with advice from Town Attorney William Reynolds, replied that a moratorium may be an option but would depend on how long it takes to revise the law.

Andrew Sheeran, Coveville Rd, stated that there are several pieces of property for sale or that may be put on the market in the proposed Rural A District. The properties may fit the 500’ restriction.  He felt adult use businesses should be put in a more visible location.  He added that police protection is poor in the rural area where proposed.  He then questioned if a variance could be granted by the ZBA that would allow less than the 500 foot buffer restriction.  Supervisor Thomas Wood replied that they could try but it probably would not be granted.  Andrew Sheeran suggested the area around Fitch Rd, Co. Rd.68 and Condon Rd.

Michelle McClure, Coveville Rd, stated that it needs to be on Rt. 29, a commercial area.  She added that one property on Hathaway Road is for sale and may meet the requirements. 

Kathy Hartshorn, 120 Haas Rd, wished to go on record as very much against the proposal.

Scott Ethier, 175 Swamp Rd, stated that with all the developments and residences’ going into the area it needs to be in a visible commercial area not in this residential area.

Ian Murray, 160 Haas Rd, stated that he understands what the town is faced with but suggested they redraw the law and make it a Special Permitted Use with its own classification with stricter guidelines.  He encouraged more input from everyone.

Mark Solan, 199 Swamp Rd, commented that using the proposed area would bring the property values down and increase crime in the area.

Linda Cook, 168 Haas Rd, stated that the residents in the area enjoy the countryside, take walks, and take pride in the area.  The increased traffic on a road without shoulders would be hazardous to those using it.  She stated that the area is more suited to Nature Conservancy.  Her suggestion was to use the old Al’s Tavern, which was pointed out as being in Greenwich.  She asked the board to consider another location.

William Hagen, 149 Haas Rd, stated that adult businesses are offensive.

Tracey Murray, 160 Haas Rd, stated that she would like to go on record as very much against it.

Stephen Bodnar, Hathaway Rd, stated that he’s against them wherever they may be and asked if the 500 feet restriction could be increased to 1,000 feet.  He suggested the old mill in Victory.  Supervisor Thomas Wood responded that the Village of Victory is autonomous and they have their own zoning regulations.  He stated that he has spoken with Mayor Sullivan about a cooperative common zone for adult businesses but he was not supportive of the idea.  Schuylerville’s Mayor John Sherman added that he would not support that idea either. Stephen Bodnar asked where the Town of Northumberland’s zone is and Supervisor Thomas Wood responded that it is in Gansevoort near the railroad tracks.

Councilman Michael McLoughlin stated that he has heard from many residents on this subject.  They are concerned with the number of children in the area and the problems relating to the increased traffic and crime. 

Councilman Charles Hanehan stated on behalf of the town board, that none of them want it either, but the problem won’t go away and regulations need to be in place.  He stated that the rationale as to why they chose the area that they did was that it would be difficult to locate in that area.  He added that the Rt. 4 stretch is owned by the Hanehan’s and as 5th generation farmers would not sell.  He went on to state that Hass Road would be out due to the 500 foot restriction and half of Swamp Road too, due to the 500 foot restriction and then the issue of the wetlands would further hamper the location of an adult use business.  A small portion of Hathaway Road may qualify, but the Fisher’s are very much against it so that is out, and Rt. 69 would be out due to the 500 foot restriction.  The area would be almost impossible but not quite. 


Historian Sean Kelleher stated that Rt. 4 is a National Scenic Byway, which is a really special thing, and it is also right next to and part of the Erie Canal way.  These should be taken into consideration when doing the SEQR review also.  He added that any area within 5 or 10 minutes of the Northway is potentially a favorable area to adult business owners, as Rt 9P at the Lake would be.  They are looking for hidden spots but also easy access.

Gene Landry, 21 Church St., spoke against pornography saying it is addictive. 

Geraldine Freedman, reporter, asked when action will be taken and Supervisor Thomas Wood replied that he can’t determine that at this time.  Further review and revisions are needed and then another public hearing will be held. 

Victor Gennett, Co. Rd. 69, stated that one parcel that is for sale and could potentially be bought for this purpose is only 433’ from him and asked if the 500 foot restriction would protect him.  Supervisor Thomas Wood answered that it would.  

Mike Stanko, 1458A Rt. 9P, Saratoga Lake, suggested that they start a moratorium.

Scott Ackerman, Ruckytucks Rd, stated for the record he is very much against it.


Supervisor Thomas Wood assured the residents that the board will give additional consideration to their comments and ideas. The board will discuss further options and will confer with Town Attorney William Reynolds. 


All persons wishing to speak, having spoken, Councilman Fred Drumm made a motion to close the public hearing at 8:13 p.m. and Councilman Charles Hanehan seconded it. 

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that two applications for Mass Gathering Permits by the Saratoga Rowing Association are under consideration by the town board.  They will be holding Rowing Regattas on May 13th and 14th (permit #1) and on May 26th and 27th (permit #2) at Fish Creek.  

Mass Gathering Permits 1 & 2– Rowing Regattas:  Proof of Legal Notice in the Saratogian on 4/3/2006 and 4/6/2006 having been furnished, Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the public hearing.

Mike Stanko, 1458A Rt. 9P, Saratoga Lake, asked about the permit and Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that the law requiring the permit was passed last month.  The reason was to cover the safety, security, and traffic measures involved with a large gathering.  Supervisor Thomas Wood added that the submitted information is being reviewed by agencies that have expertise in the areas of concern.  The $500 application fee will cover expenses and then the remainder may be refunded to the organization.  After board discussion, it was decided to wait for the special meeting set for April 24th for approval rather than grant it contingent on requirements being met since the review is underway and if the experts require something more Chris Chase would have a little time to collect the information.   


Chris Chase, 152 Hathorn Blvd., stated that hotel reservations have been made by participants and they are non-refundable.  The timing of getting the permit is a hardship but he understands the need for the review.  


All persons wishing to speak, having spoken, a motion was made by Councilwoman Betty Koval to close the public hearing at 8:26 p.m. and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin. Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilwoman Betty Koval to accept the minutes of the March 13th, 2006 meeting and the special meeting minutes of March 24th as written.

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Town Clerk’s report for March 2006: Fees paid to the County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $153.57. Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the spay/neuter program $39.00. Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $179.50. Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $67.50. Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $438.43. Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $182.74. Total State, County, and Local Revenues received were $1,060.74.


Zoning Officer’s report: Supervisor Thomas Wood read Bob Hathaway’s March 2006 report: 10 Building Permits and 4 CO’s were issued and 18 building inspections were done.  A check for $2,375 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Dog Control officer’s report, March 2006: The report was read by Supervisor Thomas Wood which stated Rick Sullivan answered 12 complaints, took 3 dogs to the shelter, traveled 100 miles, issued 4 warnings and no summonses were issued. 


Town Court report: Justice Jack Ditch read the court report and the following cases were closed in March 2006: 84 Vehicle & Traffic, 14 Criminal/Penal Law, 0 DEC/ENCON, 0 Dog cases, 2 DWI, 3 Town & Village Ordinance, 1 Small Claims/Civil, 1 Evictions, 2 Bench trials, 2 (case transfers) Divestiture Forms sent to County Court, 12 attended the Science of Speed School, 1 Defendant sentenced to probation, 90 hours of community service issued, 534 days of jail time issued, 3 Orders of Protection issued, and $6,745 in fees were paid to the NY State Comptroller. 


Tax Collector’s report: Tax Collector Jim Gorham reported that between March 1st and April 4th he collected $1,916,349.04 in town/county taxes on 2,613 parcels.


Historian’s report: Sean Kelleher gave his Historian’s report to the board. He stated that The Heritage NY funded exhibit in the Fort Hardy Visitors Center will be finished in late May.  It is an exciting exhibit on the final stages of the Battles of Saratoga.  He noted that planning is continuing on Historical Week and with all the things being planned a 9th day has been added.  There is a special celebration planned on Saturday, August 5th to celebrate the Village’s 175th anniversary with an open house at the library and a birthday cake.  He added that the community’s historical interests have been well attended to in Albany by Assemblymen MacDonald, Englebright and McEneny to create a commission to protect land along the historic Hudson River corridor in Saratoga and Washington counties.  Historian Sean Kelleher reported that he serves as Governor Pataki’s appointment on the New York State French and Indian War 250th Anniversary Commemoration Commission.  At a press conference in Albany, it was announced that the Commission is building a NY Heritage Trail for the French and Indian War with $350,000 in funding.  He added that he is the marketing coordinator of the Commission and they are working on becoming an I Love NY 2007 Summer Festival.    


Supervisor’s report: Supervisor Thomas Wood presented March 2006 balances in Town funds as follows: General A $1,009,585.78 ($50,000.12 of this is Park Reserve), General B $127,335.62, Highway Outside $100,894.16, Youth Recreation & Services $887.77, Highway Equipment Reserve $52,674.38, Building Reserve $967,656.89 and Fire Protection $0.  March revenues were $82,211.29 and expenses were $103,120.98.  The total March 2006 balance is $2,259,034.60.


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported on the Gateway signs that will welcome travelers to our town.  A small error should be corrected and they should be put in place by  Memorial Day.  Highway Superintendent Dave Hall has agreed to put them in. 


Public comments on agenda items: name & subject

Margaret Ditch, 223 N. Broad St, stated that she has been reading about Animal Shelter issues regarding euthanatizing dogs.  She requested the town look into contracting with no kill shelters.  Supervisor Thomas Wood added that the County supervisors are looking into the policies and practices of the animal shelters in question and will report on their findings. 

Councilman Michael McLoughlin stated that he responded to the anonymous dog complaint that was received by all town board members.  The owner has assured him that they are working hard on keeping the dog home.

Kathleen Stanko, 1458A Rt. 9P, Saratoga Lake, commented on the Pravda property PUD that was presented saying that it was too intensive a use of the property. 

Mike Stanko, 1458A Rt. 9P, Saratoga Lake, stated he is against the massive development of the Pravda property. 

Yarislov Zujovic, applicant for the PUD on the Pravda property, stated that the area has more use with the traffic from boaters than what would occur from the proposed townhouses. 


Committee reports:

Highway: Highway Superintendent Dave Hall reported that the new John Deere Bulldozer and new pick-up have been delivered and are being set up.  The crew is preparing two truck bodies to be sanded and painted.  Potholes are being repaired and the sweeping of roads and intersections has been completed.  A letter has been sent to the proper authorities to post Condon Road and Chapman Hill Road as work zones with restricted speed limits.  Repairs should begin this month.  Ditching and installation of new culverts on Sweet Road has been done and a damaged culvert on Caldwell Road was replaced today.  The old bulldozer and pick-up will be advertised for sale and the sealed bids will be opened at the May meeting. Highway Superintendent Dave Hall stated that he has received two written quotes for installing the snowplow on the new truck and Arrowhead Equipment was the lowest bidder at $3,675.  The board approved the purchase and installation of the new plow.   


Landfill:  No report.


Insurance:  No report.


Youth:  No report.


Buildings:  Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the next Building Committee meeting will be May 3, 2006. He stated that once the 30 day waiting period is up on April 17th he will enter into a contract with SD Atelier, the lowest bidder, to begin the architectural and site reviews for the proposed new town hall.  


Senior Citizens:  Councilwoman Betty Koval reported that the Schuylerville Senior Citizens met on March 14th with 69 attending.  Their guest speaker was Stan Burdick, humorist, who presented a slide show with comedic anecdotes.  On March 28th, Attorney Phillip Tribble discussed estate planning and provided a handout to the group. 

On April 11th, William Butt, a WWII veteran, who has written a book, will be the speaker.  Some events that have been scheduled are a 55 ALIVE driver’s course through AARP for April 4th – 5th, a day trip on May 25th; a four day trip is planned for Sept. 18th – 21st.  The June meeting will be in Saratoga Springs.  Councilwoman Betty Koval reported that the Quaker Springs seniors had their annual dinner on April 10th at the Quaker Springs Firehouse.  The dinner was prepared and served by the Quaker Springs Fire Department Auxiliary.  The event was well attended by 55 – 60 seniors.  Next month, on May 8th, a representative from Wesley Health Care in Saratoga Springs will be speaking about outpatient services available and the role of health insurances in meeting the financial needs of patients seeking services.  


Park Committee: Councilman Michael McLoughlin reported that he plans to schedule a clean up day in May for the Quaker Springs Mineral Park and volunteers are encouraged to contact him. 


Zoning Amendment Advisory Committee (ZAAC):  No report.



Quaker Springs Fire Department:  Stephen Bodnar presented the board with his monthly report for March 2006.  He stated that they responded to 13 calls.  They hosted the North Country Wild Land Fire Refresher Course sponsored by the National Park Service of which 35 students attended.  He added that the department received 34 sets of light weight flame retardant suits including gloves and helmets from a federal grant of $8,581.  Stephen Bodnar announced that all the survey work has been completed on the substation site on Rt. 9P.  They are now looking for architects to design the station. 


General Schuyler Emergency Squad:  Sherry Doubleday reported that the building is coming along.  The well will be dug in the next few weeks and they are hoping to break ground in the fall.  A Steering Committee will be helping to find capital for the project. 


Old business:

Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the town board needs to declare a lead agency for the purpose of conducting an Environmental Review of the proposed action, Local Law #3 of 2006, the regulation of adult use businesses.  Resolution #06-51 – Lead Agency Designation was introduced by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm as follows:

            WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga is amending the Zoning Ordinance with Local Law #3 of 2006, and

            WHEREAS, the approval of Local Law #3 of 2006 is an Action subject to the provisions of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (S.E.Q.R.) and the regulations promulgated to implement said Environmental Quality Review Act, and

            WHEREAS, the provisions of S.E.Q.R. require the designation of a “Lead Agency” to determine the environmental significance of the Action, and

            WHEREAS, this agency has complied with the provisions of S.E.Q.R. pertaining to “Lead Agency” designation, now, therefore, be it

            RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga is hereby designated the “Lead Agency” for the purpose of conducting the S.E.Q.R. review of referenced Local Law #3 of 2006. 

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood announced the appointments to the Committee to Honor Volunteer Firefighters & EMS Workers as follows:

Councilman Michael McLoughlin -Saratoga Town Board, Town Historian Sean Kelleher Town Highway Superintendent Dave Hall, Sherry Doubleday - General Schuyler Emergency Squad, Douglas Root - David Nevins Fire Department, David DeHeer - Quaker Springs Fire Department, Joseph Turcotte - Schuyler Hose Fire Department, Ronalee Myers - Citizen of the Town, and Jean Driscoll -Turning Point Parade Committee  The first meeting date will be set.


New business:

Supervisor Thomas Wood explained that since the Narrows PUD application property is less than three acres a super majority of 4 of the 5 possible votes are needed for passage.  Resolution #06-52– Narrows PUD - Yarislov Zujovic, Applicant, George & Gertrude Pravda, Owners- 1460 Rt. 9P, Saratoga Springs, S/B/L 180.18-1-2 & 3, Lake Commercial District was introduced by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilwoman Betty Koval as follows:

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has received an application for a PUD rezoning, project name Narrows, at 1460 Rt. 9P, Saratoga Lake, applicant Yarislov Zujovic, Lake Commercial District, S/B/L# 180.18-1-2 & 3; and


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has determined that the proposal is too intensive with 12 or 14 single units on the 1.2 acres, therefore be it,

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to deny the application.  

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that Marlene Bissell is conducting River Sweep, the clean up of the Lock 5 area and towpath to Ft. Hardy.  She would like the town’s help with picking up the brush along Rt. 4 & 32, and requests topsoil for bulb planting and the cutting of brush along Lock 5. Highway Superintendent Dave Hall agreed to help with the brush pickup and the topsoil, using topsoil that was reclaimed when resurfacing Burgoyne Rd.  The board agreed to contribute $300 to help the cause. 

Music on the Hudson, which is organized by the Schuylerville Area Chamber of Commerce, will be holding concerts again this summer at the Schuylerville beach.  The board agreed to contribute $200 to help with expenses.

Kite Flying Event – May 21, 2006 at Saratoga Apple, Rt. 29, Schuylerville, will be held honoring and recognizing Ben Franklin’s 300th Birthday. The event is supported by Friends of the Battlefield, Village of Schuylerville, Town of Saratoga, and Olde Saratoga Chamber of Commerce.  The board agreed to contribute $100 to help with expenses. 



The 13th annual March for Parks event to raise funds for the Saratoga Battlefield will be held April 22, 2006.


Richard Rodriguez of the Chameleon on the Lake, 251 County Route 67, is renewing his Liquor License.


Saratoga County will be hosting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Moving Wall, June 8th through June 12th.  The memorial display will be located in the Shenantaha Park, Eastline Road, Malta.  Volunteers are needed for various duties. If you are interested in volunteering please call the Saratoga County Veterans’ Agency at (518) 884-4115.


Mike Tierney, Commander of Old Saratoga Post No. 278 wrote to invite the board to participate in the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 29, 2006.  The parade will start at the American Legion at 9:30 a.m.  The board agreed to participate.


Supervisor Thomas Wood announced that the use of the Veteran’s Float requested for the Turning Point Parade & Memorial Day Parade has been granted by the county.


Saratoga County Farmland and Open Space Grant Applications are available at the Town Clerk’s office.  The application period is from April 1 – June 30. Councilman Charles Hanehan added that if the current applications are not granted they will try to group farms together and try that tactic to make them more attractive to Ag & Markets.  The state has allocated $19 million this year up from $14 million last year.



Privilege of the floor:

Karen Garnsey, N. Broad St, inquired about the River Sweep clean-up of the towpath and she wondered if it would include the area by Dave Mathis’ property and hers.  Supervisor Thomas Wood responded that it only included the pickup of debris there.  The bigger issue is the overgrowth along the path.  In prior years, the Mt. McGregor prisoners helped trim the path but they are no longer available.  Historian Sean Kelleher added that the town, through a grant, will be working to improve the entire towpath from Lock 5 to the Schuyler House.  Supervisor Thomas Wood added that Kate Maynard, with Saratoga PLAN, is spearheading the project and is working on getting the necessary permits from the Canal Corp.  The work, including putting stone dust on the towpath, is planned for 2007.  Highway Superintendent Dave Hall stated that the towpath is too narrow for their equipment to be used.  It was then suggested that possibly it could be accomplished through the court system sentencing community service time, and as a group with supervision, could clear some of the towpath.  Margaret Ditch, Village of Schuylerville Trustee, added that the village may be able to help and she would gladly talk with Karen Garnsey after the meeting.


Pete Flanders, Chestnut St, asked for an update on the abandoned red house on the corner of Chestnut and Burgoyne St.  Supervisor Thomas Wood replied that a certified letter was sent and received by the owner, but no further contact has occurred.  Supervisor Thomas Wood, Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway, and Town Attorney William Reynolds will further address the situation. 


Upcoming meetings:

a.      Building Committee meeting, Wednesday, May 3, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

b.      Agenda meeting – Thursday, May 4, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.

c.       Regular town board meeting – Monday, May 8, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.


Audit the Bills: Per abstract for the period 4/10/2006 (4G): General A $24,595.73, General B $490.88, Highway Outside $8,523.61, Youth $420.22, and Building Reserve $66,970 for a total expense of $101,000.44.


A motion to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. was made by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.


Respectfully Submitted,


Ruth Drumm

Town Clerk

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